Firefest Rollcall

What a great day that was! Unfortunately we had to depart before Winger but Gotthard were amazing! What a band!

Great to catch up with a number of PQ fans there as well! Thanks to Bruce and Kieran for putting on such a fantastic event
Was great seeing you guys again :) Had a lot of fun... and a bit of a headache but the day was good. Stand out bands for me were by far Wig Wam and Gotthard :)
gotthard - great sound and very professional, amazing singer !!!!!

winger - had a few probs but still very good, but could have made more of an effort
amazing musicians and Kips voice is still in fantastic shape .

Great to see you guys again, shame there's never enough time to have a proper natter and to fully interrogate you.

Have to agree with Missus Mayhem there, bands of the day for me were: Gotthard, Wig Wam (did I hear someone cry out 'Glam I want your babies?', Missus M?) and Bonfire, who still do themselves proud.

