Firefly/Serenity thread

Lies and Perfidy

Gentleman of the Road
Nov 27, 2002
Washington, Washing-Ton
Cause I know Max, at least, likes this show and therefore gets ten points.

Some of the best off-HBO television in years. Joss Whedon has the best ear for dialogue in the business (the reason Buffy was terrible is because his brilliant skills was going towards reproducing the dialogue of high-schoolers), and the aesthetic of the universe is the coolest sci-fi shit ever.

If you haven't seen it, imagine the post-Civil War American aesthetic (as replicated in Tombstone or Deadwood), set in a spacefaring society several hundred years in the future, with a touch of wry humor and excellently developed characters. Then quit imagining based on my woefully incomplete description, and go rent Firefly (the TV show) or Serenity (the movie.) The movie comes second, but you don't need to have seen the show to watch it.

The Firefly MMO may consume my very existence.
I <3 Firefly.

When I heard the Firefly DVD set had an extra episode, I was like "ZOMG!" and bought it instantly.

Serenity was also awesome. When the hell is the sequel coming out?
Serenity is fucking awesome... And I have yet to watch any Firefly, but it is on my list of pick-ups.
is that a 9mm in your signature or are you high?

Happy almost 12k (and will be if you reply) Kriggus.
started to watch firefly but got really drunk and lost interest awhile back

whedon however did write a goddamn mean astonishing x-men run. YEAH COMICS.
"Zoe, you and Simon rope them together; five or six of them, I want them laid out on the front of our ship. Put Book front and center, he's our friend, we should honour him. Kaylee, find that kid that's taking a dirt nap with baby Jesus - we need a hood ornament. Jayne, try not to steal any of their shit!"
-Malcolm Reynolds
ahahahahhahaha the outtakes are the best


Whedon's X-Men run was fucking brilliant, now that is some fucking dialogue. I hear he's working on a second run continuing the same arc.

i read it's a final one issue send-off. it may not even complete the arc. (and I swear to fuck, if it doesn't, i'll kill shit)

as for my batman gayness. last week I engaged in a meaty discussion with a comic compadre and he reccomended some cool arcs to check out. always been into the x-men medium. dipped into whedon and morrison's run.

and yeah. he does have a knack for dialogue. wolverine's little high class departure? funny!
I really think the Ultimate Marvel Universe is the coolest fucking thing Marvel has ever done, just cause the dialogue is light-years ahead of anything they've done previously not written by Whedon. The dark nature and semi-adult content of some of the series, particularly The Ultimates (like The Avengers but far fucking cooler, Nick Fury is basically Samuel L Motherfucking Jackson with an eyepatch) really makes the whole thing a lot more compelling.

I really think the Ultimate Marvel Universe is the coolest fucking thing Marvel has ever done, just cause the dialogue is light-years ahead of anything they've done previously not written by Whedon. The dark nature and semi-adult content of some of the series, particularly The Ultimates (like The Avengers but far fucking cooler, Nick Fury is basically Samuel L Motherfucking Jackson with an eyepatch) really makes the whole thing a lot more compelling.

I thought about hitting up the ultimate universe. but the "good" titles are all nearly 100 issues in. and i'd much rather crack into some batman than useless delve THAT much. (but i'm open to specific arc suggestions)

my buddy reccomended the first few ultimates issues. i got 1 to 13 (looked at the horny hulk quick, HILARIOUS.)

what's transmetropolitan? an ultimates arc?