Firefly/Serenity thread

ah. Warren Ellis.

dude. i remember reading this short black and white batman issue and fell in love with it. warren ellis wrote her. so i did a search, he's got one funny ass panda website.
i'm definitely interested. 60 issues is alright.

i'll take a look at the early stuff, see what happens. i REALLY like to avoid non-hero books. i don't want to be one of those fools that are like, "OMG THERE'S AMAZING STUFF BEYOND HERO COMICS.....but before novels."
I thought serenity would be horrible but I watched it, and liked it so much that I picked it up the next day.

as for comics the watchmen is a must.
Indeed. It really does not get any better than this show. Puzzles me as to how one of the most original and well put together shows that I can remember from the past decade was barely supported, shown out of order and ultimately dropped.

A hearty mixture of humour, action and humanity that I've seen rarely in any other show. Watch the season box-set and you find yourself caring for the characters and their endeavours. Just awesome, awesome stuff.
The movie was a huge disappointment to me, not becuase it was a bad film, but because the show was infinitely better. Also, I didn't really want to see them wrap up two seasons worth of plot in two hours. But, that's the movie Joss made, and I appreciate that it got made at all.

Pyrus - Buffy was fantastic, give it a chance. Angel was ultimately the more mature show though, so perhaps you'd like it better. Also, Christina Hendricks is way hotter than that picture indicates.
Indeed. It really does not get any better than this show. Puzzles me as to how one of the most original and well put together shows that I can remember from the past decade was barely supported, shown out of order and ultimately dropped.
I blame it on the fact that it was on Fox. I doubt a bunch of redneck King of the Hill fans would give Firefly a chance. Funny thing is, everyone I know who did give it a chance loved it.
The gauge I use is my fathers repeat watching. My Old Man cannot watch anything twice, regardless of how much he enjoys it. Except, of course, for Firefly. Anytime he ever visits, he steals the boxset and rewatches it all.
I happen to love Firefly as well, I would love to see Joss Whedon do more movies based on the series or what i would love to see even more is a comic book based on the series written by Joss called Firefly Season 2 just like he is doing right now with Buffy at Dark Horse.
I really think the Ultimate Marvel Universe is the coolest fucking thing Marvel has ever done, just cause the dialogue is light-years ahead of anything they've done previously not written by Whedon. The dark nature and semi-adult content of some of the series, particularly The Ultimates (like The Avengers but far fucking cooler, Nick Fury is basically Samuel L Motherfucking Jackson with an eyepatch) really makes the whole thing a lot more compelling.


i agree with every thing in this post
except i got kinda pissed off when Proffessor X got killed in the ultimates universe instead of the astonishing X-men title
i know that Charles Xavier's death in ultimate X-Men was supposed to be an imitation/non-comical parody of when Martin Luthor King got killed, but the specific readership of the "ultimates" version of the X-Men won't understand the reference the way the readers of the astonishing X-Men would
an MMo off a show? sounds interesting but ill probally be too busy with LOTRO to try it out.

but i have seen serenity and it was good, ive been meaning to get it on DVD.