Firefly/Steven Brust fans:

Thanks wholeheartedly for posting this! I'm a big Firefly/Serenity fan, but probably wouldn't have heard about this if not for this post. Downloading now.
Hmmm. Other way around for me. Brust is one of my top 5 authors, but I never watched Firefly (I did see, and like, Serenity, but haven't caught the series). Thanks for posting.

Steve in Philly
I have personal issues with Brust dating back to the Nebula Awards Banquet in Atlanta many years ago, but...hell, it's free, so I'll download it. :)

Wonder how long it will be until Fox comes after him for copyright infringement.

Hmm, good question. He released it under Creative Commons, but that might not be good enough.
I don't see copyright being an issue, unless he decides to try to publish/sell it. Considering FOX has no plans to make any more Firefly-related shows, the only people who could be potentially hurt, and therefore litigate, would be Joss Whedon and Tim Minear, and they seem to be okay with fanfics in general, considering how manyy Buffy ones are floating around out there.
There's a ton of Firefly ones too. And Universal owns the rights to the movies but I think Mutant Enemy would be the "company" that'd go after people if they want. And I think Joss has no issues with the fans continuing the stories. There's actually some really good stories that I have read at