Firestorm Promotions Presents


New Metal Member
Jan 22, 2009
A Night of Rock and Metal Music
Sunday November 1st

Purple Turtle
61-65 Crowndale Road
Camden Town

Doors Open 7:30pm
Tickets Only £5 each
Over 18's only

Featuring :

SheBangg are a female-fronted four-piece from the West Midlands, UK. Their music can be broadly described as power pop / melodic rock, but it also encompasses elements of many other styles, from blues and folk, through to soul and the harder edge of rock. Whilst difficult to pigeon-hole, SheBangg's similarities do cover a wide range of bands and artists and their influences are manyfold. From the raunchy / soulful lead vocals of Janis Joplin, Anastacia or Pink; the lyrical attitude of Alanis Morissette or Skunk Anansie; the multi-part harmonies of The Magic Numbers or The Beach Boys; the tight musicianship and melodic power of The Red Hot Chilli Peppers or The Foo Fighters; and the innovative songwriting of The Beatles or No Doubt.

Shebangg : Review by MK-Magazine.

"As part of Nexiardé Music’s entrance into the industry, they will also be releasing the debut single, ‘Inspiration’ from the UK ’s best kept secret to date, ‘SheBangg’. ( Their vocalist has THE best female voice that this industry has seen since Janis Joplin hit the stage. Already dubbed ‘The Voice’ this lady along with the rest of the band are destined for a very heady future! To add to this, Ron Marks will also be over in the UK to produce SheBangg’s debut album later this year".


Formed in Hampshire, England. Karn8 started out as heavy dirty rock, influenced at the time by bands such as Marilyn Manson, Alice in Chains and Queen Adreena. Their sound has somewhat evolved and mellowed over the years to incorporate a blues twist and capture the essence of bands such as Queens of the Stone Age and The Doors. Following the groups ever changing line up has now settled with the simplicity of a three piece, Leigh on drums, Bones on guitars and Kirst taking vocals
and centre stage. The new sound captures both the warmth of retro acts such as Jefferson Airplane to the edginess of modern day rock.

Karn8 : Review by Andrew Latham @ Room Thirteen.

"It’s been a slow start at Guilfest on Friday so we’re more than ready for some dirty rock and roll and fortunately Karn8 are on hand to deliver the goods. This Hampshire based three piece centre around drums and guitar (courtesy of Leigh and Bones respectively) with singer Kirst providing the vocals and occasional additional guitar duties. The music is upbeat rock and roll leaning distinctly towards the garage end of the genre populated by the likes of MC5, although to bring it up to date they remind me of Juliette & The Licks. Kirst has some well practiced moves straight from the Debby Harry book of stage craft and she makes a compelling figure.

They mix up styles nicely with songs like ‘Old No.7’ dipping into smoke filled blues bars, whilst ‘Where the Fires Play’ rips it up like the Stooges at their most intense. The set isn’t without it’s problems however, the horrendous drone that plagued this tent last year threatens to return and it’s just not loud enough. The problem with this is firstly that it prevents Kirst’s voice from carrying too well and secondly that what should be bold slabs of rock and roll fall a little flat. That aside though it’s an assured and confident performance and they even pull off a passable version of The Doors' ‘Wild Child’. All in all it’s good stuff but they really need to be seen in a club venue with the volume cranked to the max."


hAND are a 3 piece Progressive Gothic Metal band from Sussex, England. Originally a duo combining elements of rock and trance, the two founding members Kat Ward and Kieren Johnstone joined forces with drummer Cris Nelson early in 2006 and the band in its current incarnation was born.

hAND : Review by Planet Loud.

"A non-stop deliverance of dancing piano lines, throaty-yet-somehow-angelic female vocals, spiraling guitar solo's, driving riffs, jazzy breakdowns, gothic wanderings, gurgling bass and ever-changing song structures – This is not for the faint of heart or for the impatient of mind. Partly drenched in a gloomy dissonance yet largely less deep and dark than the artwork and mystical lyrics may suggest, this album has a LOT going on, pretty much all the time, as experimentation clearly becomes a word hAND are not to fear. 'Manuscript' announces teasing piano with drum splashes before leaping into an almost post—rock surge only for everything to pull back as the seductive Kat Ward takes things into an entirely jazz / gothic blur. Catchy, clever, if a little bit strange. The metallic 'Guitar Strings And Safety Pins' surges with double bass drumming and frantic pace really being an excuse for guitarist Kieren Johnstone to prove his worth with some tasty leads post-haunting verses courtesy of Miss Ward's ghostly delivery".


Dyonisis (pronounced: die on ice is) formed in a fit of drunk somewhere around 2005. Consisting of Nel (Vocals), Louisa (Vocals & Piano), Tom (Guitars & Programming) and Marcus (Bass) we are currently described as "ethereal rock "we love vocal harmonies, electronic tinkering, pulsing bass, uplifting choruses and, of course, the odd beer or two.

Dyonisis : Review by Tony Cannella @ Femme Metal Forum.

"To pigeonhole this band as just another metal band would be wrong. There are various influences and styles on display here and that is the strength of DYONISIS. There music may not be easily digestible for some, but after a few listens, I was headed for the 'play' button once again. I can't say enough good things about them, I admire their originality and dedication. The bottom line is this, DYONISIS has a delivered an album of 9-songs and 46-minutes worth of avant-garde and ethereal music that was pleasing to these ears. I for one, can't wait to see what they do next".