First acoustic song i've ever recorded... Don't Fear The Reaper.


boat is boat.
Jun 4, 2008
North East, UK.
Recorded & mixed this today in like four hours.

I've never really gotten into performing acoustic stuff but my voice has been weak lately and I was dying to record something & this has always been a favourite of mine so I thought i'd give it a shot.

Would love to hear what you guys think...

Don't Fear The Reaper

- Rick.
Dude, I absolutely love your voice and your music. I've been listening your songs a lot lately. Too bad your voice is weak at the moment. I don't know if you like when people compares your voice to Layne Staley's voice (i would like it :)) but I really would like to here you play and sing Alice in Chains' Nutshell if you do another acoustic song. :worship:

Edit: Really well done with this one!
haha cheers man that means a lot :)

I would totally cover that if I could work out the fucking guitar rhythm, lol.

I have to say this was the most pleasant recording experience i've ever had.

Also I wanted to not have any compression on the vocals at all, so they're edited manually & there's just eq, get rid of the muck & breathe some air into my voice.
Very nice song/cover, and your voice is gorgeous!

Were the acoustic double tracked? I want to record an acoustic song, but dunno how. How the 'pros' record acoustic usually? Double tracked? or just one take in a nice room?
I really dig your music in general man, and I love this too.

Your voice is amazing it's just a real shame you blow it out so easily, the music is something I would actively listen to on a regular basis and I think thats the biggest compliment I can give :)
Very nice song/cover, and your voice is gorgeous!

Were the acoustic double tracked? I want to record an acoustic song, but dunno how. How the 'pros' record acoustic usually? Double tracked? or just one take in a nice room?

Hey thanks man, yeah I just double tracked the guitars. 100% left & 100% right. However, I picked both differently. One was above the hole of the acoustic & the other was closer to the bridge...

Öwen;8671108 said:
I really dig your music in general man, and I love this too.

Your voice is amazing it's just a real shame you blow it out so easily, the music is something I would actively listen to on a regular basis and I think thats the biggest compliment I can give :)

haha thankyou man! :)

I blow my voice out so easily because I only started singing 3 years ago.. I was sick of having no vocals on my recordings so I started singing... I improve my range & technique pretty quickly so my throat struggles with it... I kinda improve too fast for my throat to handle.
the string noise is driving me insane. But you could try a bit of compression, but if you want to retain the dynamics, try it as parallel (use a send or duplicate the track, add the compression there)

It only drives you insane once you notice it, lol. Tried compression etc, didn't really get a sound that I liked. Only way I can see is to go through and manually edit all the slides to a quieter volume but to be honest I kind of like the rawness of this track. I guess I know for future acoustic recordings now not to slide so much :p
That's really cool. It's got a lethargy that's, i dunno, compelling in a melancholy, suicidal way? I'd like to hear the harmonies on the vox louder in places perhaps a big lush reverb too?

Nice work!