First album - how Matt came up with his ideas


May 19, 2008
I guess my question is directed right at Matt. When you were making the first album, did you realize what you were doing was going to be so over the top production wise?

For home recordists, what you did with what you had is simply amazing. Not only did you painstakingly create all the music; you had to produce, record, edit everything together into one cohesive mammoth production.

What gave you the idea to use massive choir vocals? It's so signature with the Theocracy sound now that I anticipate them with every release.

Do you work out all the parts, melodies in your head? Ever spend hours creating a big vocal chorus and decide it doesn't work? It boggles the mind to think of all the stuff you work out for one song alone.

Just wanted to get your insight on how you came up with your ideas for Theocracy and to tell you that it's been a job well done. I look forward to each and every album forthcoming.