Congratulations Matt!


New Metal Member
Jul 30, 2009
Antioch, CA
I'd like to be the first to congratulate Theocracy's very own Matt Smith for entering the Nevermore "Create Your Own Conspiracy" contest. You did a great job on your own version of "The Obsidian Conspiracy"! As I said in my comments on the song for the other negative posters on YouTube:

Matt, in regards to the naysayers, don't listen to them. You did an awesome job with the song, man! Looking forward to the new album from Theocracy this fall! Take care and God bless!

The winner of the contest gets picked by two of the members of Nevermore and gets flown (all expenses paid) to a concert where they will perform their version of "The Obsidian Conspiracy" live on stage with Nevermore. Pretty sweet deal, Matt! I hope you win, my friend!
So...the band released the music and you had to add your vocals to the song? So you can perform it? Or what???
So after some research, if anyone's interested:
Nevermore, the band, announced a competition on April 14th. It comprises of you posting YOUR version of the song "Obsidian Conspiracy" which was released by the band as an instrumental song, you get to write the lyrics and make your own version, upload it to youtube and hope for the best.

The band's picking a favorite as I type this, or so I gather, since the competition ended yesterday.

This is the video of them announcing it and Matt's version is one of the greater ones out there, I've heard a few and I think Matt's is certainly the most professional one out there, although I simply can't match Matt's high vocals with such music. Still the best of luck to him.

I'm just confused...
Isn't Nevermore anti-religious? Not to some extreme extent but it just always seemed to me that they're your average philosophical agnostic band that thrives on complexity through a devotion to the material and easily believable.
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Great job, Matt! I listened to it before I read the contest rules and thought Matt had composed everything. I was thinking, "He really nailed that Jeff Loomis guitar sound." It made more sense when I realized Matt just added vocals to what was written/recorded by Nevermore. :loco: Still pretty cool!
Haha thanks guys. I just saw the contest mentioned online and thought it was a cool idea and sounded like fun, so I figured I'd play around with it. Just a quick little bit of fun, nothing more. :)

Its awesome! Ripped from YouTube and added to the playlist. Maybe you guys need to do the equivalent of Demons & Wizards.... Angels & Agnostics? lol.
Matt, your songwriting skills blow me away, especially since you were just having fun this time. :/ I found myself listening to your version several times over again, the melody's just too catchy. The only thing is that the vocals are extremely high pitched for a Nevermore song, so I'm not sure if the band would be quick to declare you the winner (though I'm rooting for you myself). Again though, I love the songwriting. Best of luck.
I see Matt came in as a runner up and some kid won the contest. It is my belief that Nevermore, not wanting to be outclassed, awarded the 1st prize to a kid that has little to no vocal skills. I am betting they were a bit intimidated by Matt.

This comes as no surprise as I see the majority of signed so called "Professional" acts lack any real talent and rely on gimmicks to sell albums.
Way to sound butthurt, RichS.

I'm sure Matt would appreciate you commending the band's decision.
Saying the "kid" sucks after so many have praised his video is superficial.

To be frank I never really liked any of the versions, not even Matt's, although it had the best chorus of all.

There seemed to be a lot of editing in all of the entries and I didn't really care for them, but I was rather annoyed by the amount of vanity portrayed by the contestants and their fanboys, mind you, RichS, you don't differ from them.
I am not sure what you mean by "Butthurt" sounds kinda juvenile, much like yourself. I thought Matt did the best job and I thought the decision was obviously biased. I have my opinion and you have yours and over the internet, you feel perfectly safe, don't you?
Hmm, yeah, good idea, let's have a BBQ. We can make this into a BBQ contest. Any redneck can do that! Lets go for medium rare. I'd love to have some medium rare Theocracy-fan! :) I can be a bit canibalistic, I guess. EDIT: ah, just two minutes late...

Ontopic: I guess I have to pay attention to the lyrics, especially. I hope to have some time soon...