Question for Matt!


May 9, 2011
Hi Matt. I juste want to prevent that English is my second language (I live in French Canada) so excuse me if I made mistakes. :lol:

I have 2 questions for you.

1- About Mirror of Souls song.

I really love this song and I really want to know what's the origine of this song, what's gave you the ideas and inspirations for create this great lyrics?

2- About the CD Mirror of Souls and Theocracy

I want to know if the CD (Mirror of Souls and Theocracy) are avaible in the Province of Quebec (Canada)? I already buy the song on Itunes but I want the CD to made it play in the car. :-)
I ask it because I search the CD but I'd never found it :-(

Thanks a lot for answering and God bless you Matt and all others.


PS: You are my favorite groupe et and I wish that you will continue to make wonderful songs for many years! :rock:
The Mirror of Souls CD is available on Amazon.
French is awesome, by the way. But Napoleon is not.
I got the CD Mirror of souls by using amazone. But how can I get the fist CD with the box avec the little lyrics book?
Since you have already purchased the songs off Itunes, just buy a blank disc, and put the songs on it. You already paid for the songs.
Also, CD's tend to have higher sound quality than what you can get with most MP3's, from what I understand.