First album mixed...where to go from here?! (help a beginner!)

Thorax the Herdsman

Procrastinating Fuck
OK erm...damn where do I start?!

So back in April I completed my first production/mixing project, being my bands first album. Although I'd had a little bit of experience with mixing, it was essentially in at the deep end.

Although I won't have any further production/mixing work for a while, I'm at the stage where I'm looking at where I can improve my chops.

Here's a couple of tracks from the album. It's not your typical metal, we throw a lot of chilled/pink floyd/porcupine tree type stuff in as well:

Now that the first CDs out of the way I'm just wondering where to go from here. I know I've got a HELL of a lot to learn, about every aspect of this stuff. A lot of the work I did was based on/using presets, which I'm not proud of, but was a necessity owing to my previous experience. I just don't know where to go from here, it's all pretty overwhelming now that the relief/joy of completing project number 1 is out of the way.

I'm just thinking out loud here really. There's a wealth of information out there, and I'm nowhere near the ability of most guys on this board, so I'm hoping you can give me any advice, however abstract or non-particular it may, be based on what you hear above. You can afford to be brutal, I'm happy with what I achieved but there's obviously loads for me to learn yet, so any constructive criticism is welcomed with open arms. :cool:

One last thing: I'm happy that the keys/guitars/vox/bass were done to the best of my ability at the time, but the drums, man...the drummer put me through HELL. He plays cymbal heavy anyway, and on top of that he has his cymbals mounted literally just a few inches above the rest of his kit. So the bleedthrough was obscene, and so I know the toms really sound shite. But I'll only make excuses so far as to how stuff sounds, I'm only looking to improve!

As far as gear goes (if that helps, haha) It was 5150 and ENGL Powerball amps, Logic + Firepod + Alesis M1 monitors, mostly half decent mics (57,i5,D6,Oktava MK12s) and all bass and clean guitars were DId and processed with AmpliTube.

Thanks a million for any help and advice you can give, it's all welcome!
OK, maybe I'm asking too much, haha...

If nothing else a critique on the above mixes alone would be nice, just so I have an idea of improvements for next time? I know this stuff is a little different from most music on here but hopefully I'll be able to get some advice :)

I should add that there were no triggers or drum replacements here, but that much is probably pretty obvious!
It has a very ambient vibe to it, that definitely fits this type of music.

But I would bring up the kick drum a bit.

And I would completely reEQ the snare, because it sounds like a wood block with a shit ton of reverb on it. >.<

Give it more meat man!

Other than that, it sounds pretty good.
Maybe bring up the bass a little?
I'm listening on shitty headphones at the moment.