Where do i go from here?!


Mar 9, 2011
So, lately i've learned a shitload of stuff by reading on here. I feel like i'm really progressing. However, I still feel like my stuff sounds like shit. It just lacks edge and clarity, and i don't know how to fix it.
The bass track was pretty hopeless, as we used a bass with strings too light for the tuning, so it sounds pretty weak.
but everything else is just....meh. I feel like it doesn't glue at all. I don't even know where to start. shit. :waah:

Here's a little clip.
If i were actually releasing it, i'd do a little automation on the beginning to make it sound cooler, but this was more of a mix test so i didn't do automation on anything.


Please, be brutal and brutally honest. i'd much rather hear the bad than the good.
Every element sounds ok on it's own but I agree when you say there's no glue. Guitars are maybe too much mid-oriented.
How is the mixing workflow/process?

Basically eq and compression all over. Bass guitars have multiband and a bunch of eq. bass and guitars are limited....probably a little too hard...

when you guys do a multiband on guitars, do you run it before the limiter? I would guess so, but not totally sure. Also, what kind of attack setting do you run on the low end? I know i'm supposed to keep it slow to keep the punch....but i'm still kinda waiting for my ears to get used to being able to pick out the subtle differences still.

anyway, back to the mix. drums are s2.0 cymbals and ssd kick/snare...
both compressed...lol
run to a drum bus.
I feel like i'm over compressing now that i'm writing this all down.