This is only my second clip using SSD.
Kick 10, snare 11, 12, and maple toms.
Guitars are LePou legion, but i'm going to reamp them today! hopefully they turn out a little more aggressive!
Bass is just BOD.
We'll be doing vocals later this week, and probably release this song as a single.
I still need to humanize the drums a bit, but what do you guys think I need to work on?
In the past i've had a tendency to let things be a little upper-mid heavy, so i've went out of my way to scoop most things.
I feel like the toms might be a little bit clicky.
I feel like the guitars are just kinda...blah. Lack agressiveness.
Should I compress the bass a little bit more? I feel like my low track of the bass is cutting through a little too much and dominating the mix.
I wanna hear your opinions! ROUGH MIX 2 EP.mp3
Edit: Reamped guitars: ROUGH MIX 3 EP.mp3
Edit 2: Took a different approach to my low end bass track and changed a bunch of shit in small ways....I think it sounds worse now..
I'm stumped. MIX 4.mp3
Edit 3: Changed around the snare sound for more smack. Backed off compression a bit on the drums in general, eased up on the limiting, and worked on getting a better guitar sound. MIX 5.mp3
Most recent mix: MIX 17.mp3
I'm guessing that'll be about as good as it gets before mixing in the vocals and keys. Vocals are about half done.
Kick 10, snare 11, 12, and maple toms.
Guitars are LePou legion, but i'm going to reamp them today! hopefully they turn out a little more aggressive!
Bass is just BOD.
We'll be doing vocals later this week, and probably release this song as a single.
I still need to humanize the drums a bit, but what do you guys think I need to work on?
In the past i've had a tendency to let things be a little upper-mid heavy, so i've went out of my way to scoop most things.
I feel like the toms might be a little bit clicky.
I feel like the guitars are just kinda...blah. Lack agressiveness.
Should I compress the bass a little bit more? I feel like my low track of the bass is cutting through a little too much and dominating the mix.
I wanna hear your opinions! ROUGH MIX 2 EP.mp3
Edit: Reamped guitars: ROUGH MIX 3 EP.mp3
Edit 2: Took a different approach to my low end bass track and changed a bunch of shit in small ways....I think it sounds worse now.. MIX 4.mp3
Edit 3: Changed around the snare sound for more smack. Backed off compression a bit on the drums in general, eased up on the limiting, and worked on getting a better guitar sound. MIX 5.mp3
Most recent mix: MIX 17.mp3
I'm guessing that'll be about as good as it gets before mixing in the vocals and keys. Vocals are about half done.