First Full Metal Mix - Djentish


Apr 25, 2011
This is my first attempt at self production at home with a metal vibe(and a little random electronic thing in middle haha)

Gear: M-Audio fast track pro

Guitars Were Close mic'd with an SM57 with a mixture of close and off axis mix'ing.

Bass di'd but unfortunately my friends bass that i was borrowing was set up for E standard, and this was in B so they didnt end up too well :\ Just gotta wait till i get my own i guess.

Drums are done with standard superior v.2 avatar kit. v.5.mp3

What have I done right\ done wrong? Like\ Dislike bout the mix?

I know its not as pro as most of the stuff on here, but forgive me, im only just 18 :)

Natty J.
I like the intro.

I'd say first the overheads are too powerful, the cymbals are aggressive and shouldn't be that upfront.

The "melodic" guitar is too loud too. Also, you should re-write it, it's kinda boring to be honest.

I think you may have overprocessed the snare, it sounds fucked up while the original snare sound better than that. Maybe too much highs boosted on it.

Pass your bass through onquel's OBD, and mix it with the DI. This vst will bring more lows to the DI, it would be a good start for a good bass tone.

Lower the kick just a little, or lower the high boost you did to them. I like powerful kicks but it seems too high.

Repost then with all those changes so that we can have a better image of the whole mix !
The "melodic" guitar is too loud too. Also, you should re-write it, it's kinda boring to be honest.

Cheers the reply man :)

When I thought about It I completely agreed with everything you said.

I stripped the snare completely and tried again for a minimalist amount of plugins, and then i ran a sidechain through the guitars and i saw they were fighting for space. I think it sounds better now, not nearly as many highs through it.

I did run it through the B.O.D and damn it made a difference as opposed to before, still the quality of the D.I. was shocking hahaha

I dropped back alot the 10k on the kick and let the 2K a bit down aswell

UPDATED MIX: V.9 All.mp3
*This isnt a song, it's a just a test so bear with the lead :)

That's wierd, in the updated mix the kick is almost just high mids and 100hz, got rid of most of the 5k> freq.
I'll have a try at changing those things.

Which mix do you think is better?