First mastering try with the FG-X. (paramore style mix)

Well those guitars are clearly a modeler right? I'd probably lower them and raise the bass to try and hide that. I guess the mix needs a bit of work until it's ready for FG-X. :) Maybe the vocals and overheads are a tad too high in the mix.

Try this: put a limiter in the master output and turn the thresh down as far as it goes so the whole mix is pumping like poop. Try to make it sound good like that. Now disable the limiter and add FG-X. :)
The gutiars are actually reamped through an egnater renagade 65 with an orange 2x12 and a single 57. but ill give that a try with the FG-X thanks!
Guitars are a bit abrasive. Everything sounds really nice but the guitars are a little on top of everything. I feel if you lower them in volume it's going to throw the balance out of whack so maybe reach for your eq and lose a little high mid content. I'm thinking a surgical cut somewhere in the low mids as well. Snare could use a little more body and resonance in my opinion as well. I don't have any real complaints honestly because this is a nice mix dude.
As I continue listening, minus the OH's, all the drums could use more energy. I think if you can get them sounding bigger that would really make this mix sing.
Thanks for the feedback guys! the updated mix is pretty much the feedback I got from here and what the band wanted changed. The changes aren't drastic but I did some different eqing on the guitar, brought the guitars down a little, turned the bass up and made it more defined, and brought the room mics on drums up. let me know what you think! master 2.mp3

Also @ForceTheTriggerSucks what do you mean by bigger and more energy. like bring the room mics up more or compress them differently. Thanks!