First metal mix I've done in about 6 months (ENGL, AD) Lasse I want your opinion!


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2008
My bud sent me clips of his new Engl SE with EL34's through a Mills Accoustic 4x12 with V30's. SM57 on center and E906 on the edge.
I can't change the balance of the mics because he sent me bounced files D: But they sound pretty good as it is. Quad tracked + one lead track for atmosphere.

The drums are way too reverby (I dig the atmosphere though :D) so I'm gonna turn it all down and try and get everything a bit sounding a bit more in your face, and there's no bass guitar or vocals yet, but still, I couldn't help but post this up because I'm really pleased with this mix so far.

Opnions? AND I MEAN YOU LASSE! haha

Updated mix with a bit of rough vocals!
yeah, needs bass!
and it pumps a few times (but I am only able to listen through a shitty headset)

Yeah it's pumping like fuck.
The snare transients are really fucking weird and I can't clip them very far down at all, so I had to compress them. Gonna use a more transparent compressor and change the settings methinks.
Hey Gareth, listening to the updated one with vox, it sounds good, but is still pumping like mad (and the subdrops are a little excessive IMO) - sounds like a pretty solid mix otherwise, so ease off the ear-fatiguing compression and you should be pretty set! Agreed on it needing bass, though, and while this is totally out of your control since you were sent mixed-down tracks, IMO the guitar tone shows that even with a $4k amp and (apparently) incredibly good cab, you still gotta know how to tweak it and place mics to sound good! Grainy and thin to my ears, and the upper mid/presence makes it kinda hard to discern pitch; perhaps a cut at around 4k would help if you're so inclined! (though don't take my word for that exact frequency, might be a bit lower)
that's a pretty good mix, i like the song!

i think the guitars maybe lack a bit of lowend? also, the subdrops seem a bit off, i make mine with a sine wave and alter to taste (tune to root note of song, boost low, cut high), i think constant freq. sub drops sound better than one with a downward rolling freq.

maybe that's just personal taste!
Haha when Eric said he let someone else (Dream Pin) do the mastering and vocals I had a feeling I would be able to find that someone here.

In his defense, he got the amp only recently. Anyone who's had the SE will know that it takes time to get all the features, EQing and extra options dialed in just right. That thing has more buttons, options and pitfalls than an adolescent young woman.

(costs more too)
Holy shit, this sounds awesome. The bass is a tad too loud, and the guitars a tad too soft (although that may be the bad tone :/). Improved 10x when you added the bass. I wouldn't change it much though, sounds REALLY good, and as has been said.. those bass drops, killer. Drums sound ridiculous, huge and tight and awesome.
that sounds great man. Absolutely love the drums, vocals, and arrangement, you really did a great job with that my friend. ;)

you need to fire the guy that gave you those shitty guitar tracks though. :p
Great musicianship!

Love the tone of everything but the mix is got some compression issues.

Sounds like you're pulling way too many dB's of gain reduction on the overall mix with a fast enough attack. I'd recommend to slow down the attack and compress it at 1-2 dB's max at a 4:1 ratio if not lower.

Other than that, sounds great!