First Metal recording in a while


462 Studio
Apr 26, 2006
Hey guys,

Here is a link to my first metal recording I've done in some time. I've only done probably four or five demo length recordings in the past six or seven years as I'm mostly a guitarist, but I've gotten more and more into production recently.

Let me know what you think of the recording overall:

No comments about the music unless they're good comments, haha; it's not my music. :)
I like it, to bad some parts are ruined by the drummer lack of drumskills..
But I like the guitarsound. It sounds old school. Would like to hear it with a singer though...

Yeah, whatever I tend to record tends to have a older vibe to it for some reason.

The band I recorded was basically looking to do a decent demo to find a bass player and a singer; the guitarists just did the rough bass track that I mixed in really low to give it a little more low end and round things out a bit.

The guitar sound is my 2 Channel Recto mixed with a Peavey 5150 and 5150 II. 57 and 421 on the Mesa 4x12 and a 57 on the Peavey 4x12.