First recording, critique and advise more than welcome!


New Metal Member
Mar 23, 2012
Hey guys, this is my first post on here. I've just started recording a few demos for my new band Dust Of Nations. Have a listen at the link below.

I'm using a pretty budget set-up. Podfarm for the guitar and bass tones with a basic m-audio interface and Steven Slate drums. For software I'm using Logic Pro 9. Most of the parts are now recorded, there's two tracks for each rhythm guitar panned 100% L+R respectively and a centre panned lead channel. I'm still working on the tone but I don't know if there's anything else that I can do to give it a little more girth. All the levels sound OK on the speakers I'm using, but let me know guys if anything sounds out of place. This is my first serious recording ever, so I'm complete open to any comments (negative or positive) and suggestions to improve the sound in the mix.

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