First mix attempt - looking for criticism


New Metal Member
Jan 18, 2013
Hey guys,

Looking to get a little critique on this song I've been working on for the past couple of days. I'm very new to the whole production/mixing thing and would love some criticism to improve whatever it may be i need to work on.

I haven't played around with the drums a huge amount, only added a few fills and velocities are all the same so I'm aware they definitely need work, same with sample selection as well.

Guitars recorded straight from BOSS GT-10 with a bit of eq.
Bass DI run through guitar rig with a bit of eq.
etc etc

Still plan on adding a few synths etc in, but still trying to find one I like, and write a decent part for them haha.

Fire away!

Thanks :)
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The drums needs some more work, the snare maybe has a little to much reverb :) the writing is good and guitar sounds really good for my taste, you would need a really good bass. check Zombass out, sucha a amazing vsti !
Thanks for the kind words man :)

I thought the bass track i had in there didn't sound too bad. As i don't own a bass myself, i got my mate to come over and track those little bits in about 5mins hence will be re-recorded. I do own zombass II, but can't seem to get a... realistic tone/playing style out of it, got any tips ??
I do own zombass II, but can't seem to get a... realistic tone/playing style out of it, got any tips ??

It's all about velocities. Mess with them. I have Trilian and that is a huge part of making them sound realistic. and some distortion if you want it to sit nice in the mix.
Hey guys, have been working on this a fair bit, and think i've almost finished (the writing stage anyway), just need to mess around with the drums/bass to make them sound a little more realistic etc

This is what i've got so far... I'm having a little bit of writers block trying to transition from the verse --> prechorus smoothly, so bare with me on that :)

Let me know what you think :)
I know I've still got a lot to learn :)