First Mix Blog?

Jul 18, 2012
:wave: Hello Guys! I am about to attempt to mix my first song EVER it is a song I found on here for mixing practice, and I was just wondering if i was to do like a daily blog of me trying to mix my first song and then afterwards showing the final product (and possibly show my progress along the way) If that sounds like something anyone would be interested in reading?

I don't know exactly when I would start this but I just wanted to see if it sounded interesting to anyone. I guess it seems like it may be boring just reading about a 17 year-old trying to mix a song with almost no knowledge of how to do it, but I figured maybe somebody would think it would be fun :grin:

So basically tell me what you guys think!

If its a dumb idea dont be afraid to say so, just try not to be too harsh haha

also I tried to search to see if anyone had done this already and couldn't find anything so sorry if someone has already done this.
Go for it! could be an interesting read, there's plenty of opportunity for people to help you out, and if you find something you love the sound of (like a particular way of eq'ing or something) you've got a written record of how you did it so you don't forget how to do it! :)
Go for it! could be an interesting read, there's plenty of opportunity for people to help you out, and if you find something you love the sound of (like a particular way of eq'ing or something) you've got a written record of how you did it so you don't forget how to do it! :)

haha thanks man! I was worried everyone would think it was a dumb idea.