First Mix, Criticism please! :)


New Metal Member
Mar 25, 2010
Hi All,

This is my first proper attempt at mixing,

this is my band, Secerno
The track is entitled "Descending Upon Thee (Decimate Pt I)"

it is a demo but i used it to have a play with some techniques,

all comments welcome,

Thanks People, Much appreciated. .mp3

Yeah, the snare sounds like it is too compressed. I also might put some of the lows back into the guitars. If you have them high-passed, try lowering it just a bit to fill out some more. The bass drops are causing the mix to distort as well so you may want to lower the volume on that a bit as well. The vocals sound like they could be doubled and a bit more compressed to thicken them up. Other than that it's a really good start!
Thanks, ill have a look at the snare and vocals and play with the HP filter.

The distorting on the bass drops is the UAD Struder overdriving it, that combined with the mastering multiband compression gives a very nice effect when listening to it with a sub..... Imo :)

Guitars are a bit scratchy in my opinion. I'd work on gluing the mix together, everything sounds too seperate.
Guitars are a bit scratchy in my opinion. I'd work on gluing the mix together, everything sounds too seperate.

Thanks AllanD, i agree with both your points,

could you provide an example or two on how i could Glue the mix together?

Much appreciated :)

I usually put a comp first in line on my master buss with a 2:1 ratio and just around 2db of gain reduction to help glue things together before it hits the mastering limiter. Start with about a 10ms attack and try and set the release to the BPM using a formula of 60,000/bpm. Try that to get everything meshing together really well. I've had good luck mixing into mix buss compression.