First mix for a band i just finished

I think the vocal technique used makes a pretty big difference in this. I think the vocalist needs some more practice to get rid of the grating rrrrrrrrr in his voice, it disapears when he does the highs, they sound fine but the mids really bring it out and it sounds like he needs to strengthen his technique.

I think the vocals from a mix perspective are just fine man.
Yeah i totally agree about the rrrrrrr. It took like 4 hours to do one of the songs just cuz his voice kept doing that and it "normally doesnt do it" i tried to eq it out but no luck, it seems to be a crap in crap out situation.

what do you think of the rest of the mix?
Theres nothing on the master bus yet. Its just a mix I send to the bands before I master it to make sure they don't want anything else changed