First mix from the new room


Stunt Guitarist
Jun 26, 2008
Currently North alabame HELL
I started a renovation project last year and finished building a mixing room in my house(and still have too install my wood slats on either side of me :erk:) and after this was done i was given my first duty of mixing.

I mixed this tune called BREAK that is gonna go on a 3 song EP(later 6 song cd) for one of the bands i play with, LYCHESIS, a prog metal band I joined a couple of years ago as the "stunt" guitarist :lol: . as all the material was written before I joined, I came in to write solos and to thicken up the rhythm as my technique is completely different from the other guitarist. It was tracked at the bands jam room/studio then givin to me to work with all the mixing ,editing, ex.. I have done at my place on my rig in the new room.



Me and my Engl Savage 120 are on the left and the solo is mine.
I also used the direct out and ran it through revalver with a VHT-15 impulse on it.
on the other guitarists Ampeg i ran it through revalver with an eruption impulse on it.

I also re-trigered the drums with Drumagog and mixed them in with the drum sounds as well.

I learned allot about surgical editing during this undertaking :Smug: as some of the tracks were of less than stellar quality and i only had ONE track of the main vocals, so all the echos and delays had to be created, including the chopping and adding of syllables,, but sometimes you have to work with what you are givin...I still have some issues with a couple of points with this one but the band seems to dig it so i have moved on,,,anyway,
this was done a couple of months ago and I'm working on some of the other material now but i figured what the hell I put it up a couple of places then, and I might as well post it up here and get my share of the smackdown:lol:

here is the tune,,

and the myspace version and page are here

I know this is what some of you do for a living so don't laugh to hard,, I sure the hell aint no :worship: Andy Sneap :worship: but i thought i'd share my journey :D

critique, comments, whatever, would be greatly appreciated

I'm more curious, what did you actually do as far as designing the room goes? It seems like you broke up the parallel walls and went for a classic studio pentagon style design. Is it a good environment to mix in?

As far as the mix goes. It's a bit muddy for my tastes. I think all the elements need a bit more EQ tinkering to clean up the midbass and lower mids, and then focus on the rest from there.