First mix on new Mac. Podx3, EZX


Apr 14, 2005
everrot, WA
got new macbook. first go with it.

stock ezdrummer dfh. damn Cubase LE 4 won't let me multichannel. grrr. sound ok though. i opted out of smashing the hell out of this one, for my own benefit this time, hehehe. :zombie:

guitars are pretty raw, just the usual eq cropping. bass is smashed to shit, of course!
used only the Sonalksis plugs on this one. Tbk2, svt comp, eq, and DQ1. pretty cool plugs, very versatile.

thinking of switching to logic. gotta learn a whole new OS, might at well learn a new DAW too right? rofl.

Cabra Cadavra!
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is it pumping too much? it has 3 stages of very light compression on it. give it a few more Db and to make it "groove" with the music. i gave it a quick listen and now all i can hear is it stabbing out of my headphones into my ears! lol. maybe im being too critical. i've added much more music too the song. i'll upload it when i think its done, and when the mix is final. i've got a few more other songs i should post up on muh soundclick too (i've been a busy bee...)
hey, it´s sound amazing man!!!
could you share your POD preset?

and...could share drum process??l like your drums a lot too. if you could upload screenshoots would be incredible.
i gotta get the gearbox, and get the editing software for mac, (as my mac in not connected to the 'net, i have to use my linux box to get the drivers/software and then figure out which patch i used! although im pretty sure i know which one it is...) as soon as i do that, i'll post the pod tone. drums are EZdrummer DFH. all i did was tweak it a little in the "mixer". a bit less of the "room mix" and "comp mix"...and a touch more of the kick. done. thanks for listening! this ones is coming close to completion...
it would be amazing if you share POD tone, i´m waiting for.:rolleyes:

i have ezdrummer, could you tell what samples do you use in ezdrummer, for example, snare...
if you could upload screenshoots of you drums process you would be the
sorry, it took so long, i've been really busy with shit and shit, and shit. i got some screens for ya.




the TBK2 is on the master bus, its used as a clipper.

and I MAY have lost my fucking line6 pedal, (D'oh!) so I may, or may not be able to get the patch, (arrrghh). Ballz.

oh yeah, the its the default ez drummer samples.
sweet, i didn't lose my pedalboard after all! (my dumbass left it at the band room...) I'll get the line6 patches up as soon as I can. the song is coming along nicely. I just need to do something about the horrid drums, lulz.