First Mix post! Early Mix


New Metal Member
Jul 21, 2009
Hey guys!

I've been lurking here for a while and sponging samples/impulses/advice etc so I thought it was about time I posted something for you guys to listen to!
Now this isn't the same style as you all are used to hearing here; its kind of ambient indie rock (don't kill me!!)

here's the link

The song is called who believes and its by my kind of 'sideproject' band Apifera (if you want to hear the kind of metal I do, check out my band the stuff there is produced by Scott Atkins). This is a very early mix and I'm loosly using Jeff Buckley's Grace as reference. There are still some extra guitars that need to go down and I'm yet to track vocals (vocalist is coming round this week) but I'd say this mix is about 2 thirds in ish. As there is such a great set of ears and experience here I thought it would be great input to see what you guys think, thanks in advance!

The guitar seems tuneless in the beginning and in my opinion that snare does not fit in the mix, is very agreessive. But the rest is quite good. But here is not the right place to get opinions about that kind of music. It´s a heavy metal forum!lol