First post, Workin on my new mix

Thanks for the comments. the whole song needs some work.

The drums need to be totally redone, cymbals, crashes, double bass, etc
I dont have a preamp :) or di box so I think thats why my guitars are lackin.

Ive got an old bc rich st 3, just using an eq pedal for now to connect to my e-mu 1212m. I was messing around with the rose of sharyn di's, they sound really good with soloc, le46, lextac, legion, and tse x30

A clean mix was what i was really trying to work on. Trying to carve a space with Eq and get everything just to sit in the mix. Mainly kick and bass
I think the bass sounds good and clean, but it does need some Grit

anyone got any tips for bass distortion? I'm running trilogy, rock pic.