MY band new mix (southern metal)

Cool song, starts very promising but then...

- Drums sounds good and natural but are kinda buried, could come way up to give this song more power!

- Vox also sounds good for this genre but are mixed too loud. Reminds me abit of some older NY hc-bands from the 90's :)
More vox will definitely help glue this song together as a whole.

- The beeb that appears every 20 secs or so is quite annoying, I assume you'll edit it away later.

- the breakdown near the end really doesn't sound good to me, matter of taste, just too generic.

- The organ sounded very cool before the breakdown though, actually the best part of the song to me :)
More drums!!!
Put the vox level down a bit.
Downbreake sounds a bit to much Cut/gated

post the next bounce!
thanks for the comments guys
again the vocals arnt done yet but there is vocals over the whole song and singing to
and yea the beep is there because im using a demo program which i have to buy still
ill post a new mix soon tho
This snare needs a lot more pop and crack.
Sounds like you've got A LOT going on in the 200Hz area. Tame that a little bit, and add some in the 3-5Khz area for the snare.

The guitars should come down a little bit, to give the drums some breathing room.
Screaming vox are good.

Clean vocals are a little too loud. Also, use some more compression with those.

Maybe turn up the bass a tad.