March Hare - How's this mix coming together?

Right on. Happens to me when mixing records all the time. One of the most stressful things ever. Best thing is to start a mix on one track and then balance it out on a few others until you get the middle ground. Failing that... automate, autromate, automate.


SO stressful but as you go through the songs it all tends to work itself out.
If its the clip I posted without vocals a few months back then I'm surprised you like it so much. To me that version sounds really flubby and boxy, at least on my headphones and I can't bear to listen to it anymore. I'm glad you liked it though!

I loved it too ! :)

Like everyone says, the first "new" mix you posted was great except for the snare, but you got that fixed with the revised version.

I love the vocals you guys added to that song.
Matt - sounds good, but have to agree about the snare... though the second clip is much closer to what you need IMO.

I think my favorite snare tones of yours are the mixes you did for "Lost at Sea" and "WDS". Definitely have a snap, but have body as well.

Otherwise - glad you're working on the album man! :)
Um, okay, I listened on my monitors and that snare sounded completely different through my Sony MDR-7506 headphones, I swear. Here's a mix I just did with my Alesis M1 monitors at very low volume. I think many of you will find the artificial snap of the snare to be gone.............I hope.

New mix without headphones
The snare is definately better IMO, but I think it sounds like the vocals dropped a few dB's or am I wrong?
The snare is definately better IMO, but I think it sounds like the vocals dropped a few dB's or am I wrong?

LOL. Probably. I should have probably listened on the headphones too to see how it sounded first before I posted. Everything sounds pretty balanced and on my loudspeakers, though.
By the way, Onqel, I fucking LOVE the TSE X30, and you deserve much respect for making such a fine plugin. I'm using quad-tracked guitars on this song, 2 instances of TSE X30 and 2 of Gearbox. The main riff on the verse is 4 tracks of TSE X30.
Thank you Splat, it means a lot to me especially since I've been a fan of March Hare before I even thought of getting into the ampsim modeling ;)
Too bad I haven't released anything new yet, it would be fun to be able to throw that gearbox of yours away :Saint:
Too bad I haven't released anything new yet, it would be fun to be able to throw that gearbox of yours away :Saint:

I concur!

Matt, this sounds INCREDIBLE.

Aside from the mix, the music is unbelievable.


Matt - new snare wins!

Nice! I'm glad I got people's input on this.


Sounds fuckin awesome. Any chance you could give some details on the bass? It sounds huge and blended perfectly

Thanks a lot. Chain is Fender P-Bass, Dimarzio Split P Pickup, 2 instances of Gearbox, one for full spectrum clean bass, and one for distorted bass with low and high pass filters at 3500Hz and 1000Hz respectively.
THIS ROCKS. As a matter of personal preference, I still slightly prefer the snare from February, but still, this new mix sounds fucking stellar. And if you got as close as you did before with the 7506s, you are a far better man than I. I wish my mixes sounded half this good. NEED MORE!
Um, okay, I listened on my monitors and that snare sounded completely different through my Sony MDR-7506 headphones, I swear. Here's a mix I just did with my Alesis M1 monitors at very low volume. I think many of you will find the artificial snap of the snare to be gone.............I hope.

New mix without headphones

annoying snap is definitely gone ! nice work !

I love the song.
Ok, I think I'm done here. I turned up the bass a bit for some more balls, opened up the attack on the bus compressor, and voila, I'm digging this! I hope you gents concur.

Finished mix...........for now

Sounds pretty damn good. Couple things

The guitars/bass could use some tightening at 1:16, the bass is clicking and popping just before the kick/guitar.
The guitars have an amazingly tight lowend.. but the guitars as a whole are too dry/tight. The drums are roomy, the vocals have a lot of delay, the bass blends really nicely but the rhythm guitars seem quite separated. Perhaps a touch of delay? Not usual for rhythm guitars but this isn't exactly straight metal.
^ Agree. I also think some of the layers behind the vocal in the first verse could come down a bit - some of the words are getting a bit smeared on my side. Maybe also a tit hair louder with the snare too, but that's just me.