That's not finished... there's about 3 minutes missing! Upload the rest so we can make a proper judgment.
Haha, indeed! With time, the whole album will be a free download, but I want all the finished versions released in full at the same time.
Sounds pretty damn good. Couple things
The guitars/bass could use some tightening at 1:16, the bass is clicking and popping just before the kick/guitar.
The guitars have an amazingly tight lowend.. but the guitars as a whole are too dry/tight. The drums are roomy, the vocals have a lot of delay, the bass blends really nicely but the rhythm guitars seem quite separated. Perhaps a touch of delay? Not usual for rhythm guitars but this isn't exactly straight metal.
I'm glad you said this. I was thinking the same thing about the dryness of the guitars and I did have some delay on them in a mix I did a few days ago in order to vibe into the mix a little better. I ended up getting rid of it in the end obviously but I will add it back in and see how it goes. I'm going to leave the stop/start riff at 1:16 without delay, however.
I used an EMG81 on this track and it is indeed a tight M.F., but the trade off is certainly the lack of that juicy fatness I got with the Duncan Distortion.