This is my old band's latest song. I used to play drums, but then went off to school. My brother drums for them now though, and I do all the recording. Here's their myspace:
Drums are *almost* all natural. The kick has been replaced, and the snare is blended 75% natural, 25% sample to add some pop. Nothing has been quantized because I'm too lazy! This is the mic list if anyone's interested...
Snare - SM57 on top and bottom
Kick - D112
OH - 2 x Shure KSM27
High Hat - SM81
Rack Toms - Audix D2
Floor Tom - Audix F12
Vocals - SM58
Guitars are through a JSX, 2 tracks of crunch channel and 2 tracks of the ultra channel. Bass is DI with an ampeg SVT impulse thrown on it.
Any input would be greatly appreciated!!!! render for forum.mp3
EDIT: NEW REVISION: render for forum 2.mp3
Drums are *almost* all natural. The kick has been replaced, and the snare is blended 75% natural, 25% sample to add some pop. Nothing has been quantized because I'm too lazy! This is the mic list if anyone's interested...
Snare - SM57 on top and bottom
Kick - D112
OH - 2 x Shure KSM27
High Hat - SM81
Rack Toms - Audix D2
Floor Tom - Audix F12
Vocals - SM58
Guitars are through a JSX, 2 tracks of crunch channel and 2 tracks of the ultra channel. Bass is DI with an ampeg SVT impulse thrown on it.
Any input would be greatly appreciated!!!! render for forum.mp3
EDIT: NEW REVISION: render for forum 2.mp3