First Mix

Overall I like the track but it sounds like its compressed to hell and back. It's pumping in all the wrong ways for me. If this gets sent off to be mastered I don't think they'll have much room to work, sure they can raise the volume but the pumping effect will still be there.

I would start by checking my compression settings and making sure the attack and release are set appropriately for the song.

Post the raw tracks if you have them, a lot of guys here enjoy the mixing practice. I know I do.

This is pretty much the mix the band and I decided on. overboard final.mp3

I think the guitars sound too small but I just don't have enough information to know what to do...what do you guys think?

First and foremost - your mix is still unbalanced stereo-wise, everything is shifted to the left channel... If you can't hear important thing like this then your monitoring is wrong, or at least check the meters during mix... hell, even switching between your own mix and some reference song will instantly reveal this (just put them on the same level)...
Then, try not to compress the drums so much...
And last, try lowering the guitar a bit, because at this point they're a bit overwhelming...
But you can't improve anything until you get that stereo balance sorted out. Solo each channel/instrument in your DAW and get them straight one by one, DO NOT shift the entire mix...

Good luck!
"Pumping" relates back to your compressor settings, If your compressor is hitting hard with the wrong release time it will pump or breathe. If you can get it to pump in time you can add some nice movement to the mix but if its off it just makes everything fall apart.

Hope that helps
