Death metal (Real Drums) Take a listen could use more ears

Maybe mix the samples down a bit and keep more of the original sound, because the drums that you say you replaced are making the whole kit sound really artificial and "drum machine-y".

I would choose different samples, and spend more time blending the sounds to get a more natural sounding kit.

Vocals and guitars sound good, would like to hear more of the bass with some serious top end grind to emphasize some of those filthy sounding riffs.
Heavy POD tones can be really dirty on the low end for good or for bad, I think it fits nice in this song. The toms sound a bit too separated from the rest of the kit, probably too loud in comparison with the rest of the drums. Don't like the kick, as said before it seems too muddy, but I love the snare sound.
Hey thanks for the responses, i agree the kick is too loud, i am not sure how to fix it "muddying" up the mix though i have a high pass at 85hz and 12k low pass
I cant seem to get a good reamp for this out of my Peavey XXX so for now i think i am gonna stick with the Pod tone, i fixed the toms and kick best i could i will post a new clip soon
Thanks guys
Everything is ok but kick's fundamental frequencies aren't loud enough so kick is coming weak.
I think you shouldn't open HP filter at 85 Hz. That is very high for kick. It should be max 55-60.