BRUTAL!!! Death Metal (real drums, real amps)

Mar 18, 2008
Sorry for the lame name. Seems like you have to name your thread something stupid to get anyone to read it. Any input on this mix would be awesome.

Drums were recorded live and then edited. The Kick is my own sample of the drummers set. Snare is mostly mic (top, bottom, and side mics) with a little Slate sample mixed in for a more consistent attack. Toms are fully replaced with slate.
Guitars are 6505 through Mesa OS cab.

This mix has already been sent out and is a few months old, so no changes can be made, but I'm going back to listen with unbiased ears and critique my work. I already have a few points of my own, but I'll keep them to myself until i get more outside input.
sounds sweet dude

drums are robotic, but fuck - this is death metal. dynamics definitely go to the wayside on this shit...fucking love the guitars

you remember what kind of settings were used on the 6505?? the tone sounds awesome, but also isn't that generic-ass 5150/6505 that i hear from so many bands nowadays...
Wonderful song and beautiful modern, tight tone. Solo is sweet and powerful too. It may be a little too loud though, but it depends on the listening device. When I first listened to the song with earphones, I thought the solo was standing out too much, but with PC speakers it's OK. My earphones are maybe pushing low/mid frequencies too much... Apart from that it's superb.
I think the guitars are a bit undergained... Although like someone else said, it's not the cookie cutter 6505 tone everyone is used to hearing, and that's awesome.
Thanks for the input everyone. I do agree that the drums sound a bit more robotic than I would prefer. I like the tightness but maybe making sure that in the future the samples triggered more from different velocity layers would help.

I looked through my notes and unfortunately I didn't write down the 6505 settings. But I think they were fairly close to my standard starting settings which are tubescreamer, high gain input, lead channel, pre-gain 4, low 6, mid 3, high 5-6, resonance 0, presence 8, post 3.5. I also use a DBX 166XL comp/lim/gate on the FX loop to the amp with only the gate enable to get rid of that damn buzzing during pauses. From others settings that i've seen on here I think I tend to use slightly lower gain and higher mids than most and that may have been a factor in the different sound.
resonance 0

that must be the difference-maker then...cause the rest of what you posted it pretty "typical", and the resonance way down would explain why it doesn't have that huge low mid snarl that usually comes through in 5150 tracks
Sounds awesome man. Personally, I would have the vocals a little lower to make everything else louder, but I'm just being nit picky here ;).
drums are robotic, but fuck - this is death metal. dynamics definitely go to the wayside on this shit...fucking love the guitars

Gorguts, Cryptopsy, Dying Fetus, Morbid Angel, Immolation, Spawn of Possession, Nile, Ulcerate, etc would like a word with you.....
Gorguts, Cryptopsy, Dying Fetus, Morbid Angel, Immolation, Spawn of Possession, Nile, Ulcerate, etc would like a word with you.....


Even for deathmetal i prefer a more natural-sounding tone.

The drums tone in tis mix is not awfully robotic but a more natural tone would be better IMO. It reallly sounds like it was recorded with e-drums here.

The guitar tone is badass. I can hear the Morbid Angel vibe as someone said (but it's also the riffing that makes it).

The song is quite cool. The band name sounds familiar.