Real Amps, Real Drums, Real Heavy

Oddly enough this was bounced at -8RMS, but I accidently left the master fader up about 1 db, so hence the clipping. Other than that, there is no clipping in it.

Its actually showing up in ProTools at around +.8 digital. Once I lower the fader it clears up and sounds great. Weird. On a whim I pulled up Reaper and its the same level. Anyway, nice mix.
Good job. Some vocal parts could be a bit louder imo just to let them breath. Dig the drums a lot, not the guitars/bass though. But that snare sounds great!
Thanks Charles. The snare is indeed 100% real. There are no samples blended in any of the drums other than the kick. What I did do is a bunch of parallel tracks to the snare that were very very drastically processed in different ways. I think the single snare actually ended up being split into 4-5 different tracks.

For me the snare could have more "smack". What did you do with the 5 Tracks of the snare? One Body, one top, one grit, one with reverb and then?

I would try to get more attack trough a hard compressor, transient designer and a parallel compressed track (knobs all down) and a ton of Saturation on it (just mixed to it dont overdo it). But i think im not telling you sth new.
The balance between the instruments is a matter of taste, but it is definitely a solid job. I like it very much. It's powerful, very tight, professional and personal. Congrats !
very nice job! i'd pull some mids from the snare, maybe pull some 4-6k from the guitars, also i would add some more stick/air to the toms (to better match the kick, if possible, bleeds gotta be a bitch). masteringwise i'd look over multibanding the highs, or maybe running a tape plug that smear the highs a little. comes off as a bit brittle and harsh to my ears, sort of uncontrolled. could be the digiclip caused by the fader being 1db like you said earlier. other than that i fucking love this production, and the vocals especially. such a unique vibe yet still sounding good. you nailed the essence of audio engineering basically. well done.
I'm digging the vibe on everything really. I love that snare, but you're going to have to shed SOME light on what you did. It sounds great, but not even remotely natural. It DEFINITELY sounds like there are some samples in there. If not, then you've figured out some shit that I can't. You also must have had a drummer who hits incredibly hard and consistent. Getting a natural snare to hit that hard just fills up my entire spectrum with cymbal bleed...
Please more specific information on vocals processing, sounds amazing.


Sm7b--HP filter around 250 (just before it begins to get thin)--->C1 Comp (About -4 db GR)---->deesser---->L2 (Less than a decible of GR)---->Izotope Trash (Harmonic Excitement, and I used the wet/dry fader
Then that was sent out to various delays/verbs to be automated
this sounds perfect for this style and this band, I think you really nailed it. Guitars sound awesome, snare is awesome, kick sounds enormous. My only very small critique would be the toms do sound a little boxy, maybe just a couple small surgical cuts would help, but even still they arent distracting, im just nit picking.
this sounds perfect for this style and this band, I think you really nailed it. Guitars sound awesome, snare is awesome, kick sounds enormous. My only very small critique would be the toms do sound a little boxy, maybe just a couple small surgical cuts would help, but even still they arent distracting, im just nit picking.

Nah the more I listen to the toms, I realize that I should indeed make a cut around 300hz.. Very VERY small though. I love the way the sound, just maybe a little much, especially at the end.
I love how the guitars are so even in frequency and volume through the entire song, especially changes from chords to bendings and stuff.
They are literally locked, no movement AT ALL.

Although I'm scared you're gonna say automation, how'd that shit come about?

/ I should add that I'm really, really not liking the drums. They're good, but just really the opposite of what I make my drums sound like. I'm kind of wondering, since you where using the real deal, why'd you make them sound so very, very processed? There's tons of compression, really aggro-highend and stuff, way to much for my taste, way to hot.
sounds awesome! No idea what all that L1 etc is, but you really did a really good job. Also, I really like the vocals. If there was a "celan" singing part in this, I had a new band in my top 10 favourites :)
I love how the guitars are so even in frequency and volume through the entire song, especially changes from chords to bendings and stuff.
They are literally locked, no movement AT ALL.

Although I'm scared you're gonna say automation, how'd that shit come about?

/ I should add that I'm really, really not liking the drums. They're good, but just really the opposite of what I make my drums sound like. I'm kind of wondering, since you where using the real deal, why'd you make them sound so very, very processed? There's tons of compression, really aggro-highend and stuff, way to much for my taste, way to hot.

To your first Q:

-I'm a guitar nazi. It's my primary instrument and if everything is not the way I want it, I make them do it again. Obviously I meet in the middle with them and don't literally dictate the takes, but once we come to a conclusion, I execute it until it's 100% how we want it.

Aside from that.. The phase as EQ thing I had previously mentioned REALLY helps with a lot of dynamic nulls. But really other than great takes and eq stuff, I just did a shit ton of automation. There are parts where there are 6 guitar tracks at once, sometimes where there's only 2, all running through different types of amps.. I love doing this shit because you can get VERY musical and creative with the overall vibe for each movement. Just roll through part by part and make volume adjustments/gain/precence/any amp knob changes to match what you're looking for.

As for the drums

-Everybody's trying to do the hybrid thing these days. Most people are mixing analog tracking with digital AND analog mixing. In my case, I decided to do an analog recording and smash it with a combo of digital and analog gear.. Not literally smash it, but you get the point. When I mix, I mix more visually rather than properly, but I keep all of the guidelines in mind. To be honest, there is hardly any compression on the drums. There is the 100% untouched, unprocessed snare, and about 3-4 other duplicate tracks just with different processing applied for different purposes. Other than that, the kick samples that's blended with the real, unprocessed kick (the sampled kick is not compressed either), and slight compression on the overheads, there's no compression at all.
Interesting hear there's little compression on the drums, sure doesn't sound like that to me :D.
I think the other half is really the general drum EQ, it's just very modern.
For me, a drumsounds like Suffocation's self titled (example "Abomination Reborn") are what I really like, and that's just the opposite of the spectrum.

Your drums do seem to have a lot of "belly", for me it's slightly to much. The sound is just a bit scooped and "crisp", but lacking "slap" and proper, natural midrange. All of this is obviously a matter of taste, from a technical point of view your drums are very nice, they do serve the song well. Alltogether your mix is surely one of the better ones I've come across here this year, mainly because the guitars are kickass. Inspires me to go into more automation detail with my own stuff, thanks :D.
This suits the band well IMO.
Great to see the organic change of pace with the real kit being used with little to no samples.
Separates them from the generic sounds which are being pumped out.
Could not express anymore how much those guitars 'gel' together and feel 'raw' but very 'smooth' at the same time.. easy listening... well done!

Is there any chance of seeing a link to the raw files you mentioned earlier on?