Thrash/Death metal Recorded to 2'' tape. Real drums. Real Intruments.


Aug 10, 2011
Bay Area, CA
I recorded this band in a large studio tracked live to tape then overdubbed to tape.

-Drums= all REAL, but kick & snare sample replaced.
-Bass= Live tracked through amp and O/D with culture vulture and Summit pre.
-Gtrs= Used live tracks through line 6 amps using "fredmand technique" with 57 and 57. Then O/D with same technique but with a Marshall jcm2000 and 57 & 421.
Vox= sm7 beta -> cloudlifter-> avalon vt737 pre

All through an SSL9000 j board to 2" tape.

Im mixing now, gonna send to mastering in 2 days I need feedback!


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I'd give the guitars a little more mids at 1.1-1.2 khz (maybe 1.5-2db, but use a harmonic exciter, or a linear phase eq), they sound a little too muffled even for this genre. Comp the hell out of that bass (or high pass the guitars at 100hz, don't know which one of them produces flabby lows) and maybe give it a notch at 200hz. Now, about the drums, I'd lower the Oh's a little and make room at 5k for the vocals, they're kinda interfering a little. Also, give the snare a little high and, and send the kick to a bus where you high pass at around 2k and low pass at 5k and distort that track, to make the "kick click", nothing too drastic though.
This is just what i would do, but it's your mix and you should mix it however sounds pleasing to you.
BTW, did you send the samples through a tape simulator or real tape as well? If not, you should try it, especially on the kick. What i found works really well for kicks is a mid-range heavy type of tape saturation on which you increase the highs. Gives it a really nice "thump", kinda like the kick on Metallica's Garage, Load and shit like that.
Good look with your mix!
Thanks, Im gonna try some of those eq suggestions out today. I recorded the whole band to real 2'' tape. I wanted to get that thrashy 80's-90's feel with a little flavor of modern style.
John, those tips helped alot. Thanks man! The distortion on the kick and snare really gave em that extra umf! and the aural exciters on the gtrs deff get them to cut through way better.
New mix posted soon....
Ok Guys. Did some work today. Lemme know what you think! Any feedback is good. Sending to be mastered on Wed.! Check it out!

Cheers! :rock:

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Sound better now, just a tad too much bass. The Oh's sound real good, might wanna bring them down just a bit (or compress them a little, the crashes jump out a little), and give them and the snare a nice and short plate reverb (the snare sounds a little too upfront), and make the snare a little bit brighter (it sounds a little muffled). Now, brightening the snare is most effective if you cut a noth in the vocals at 2-3k (VERY narrow notch, with about 8-9db gain reduction). Also you might wanna keep the 400hz range in check, it makes the mix sound a bit dull and muddy. You could also try and saturate the master mix with some tube or tape saturation, to bring in a little more brightness, the mix is slightly on the dark side.
Yeah, Ive done some critical listening this morning... I agree with all those things you mentioned. Good ears man... I'll post the final mix tonight...