First Mix


New Metal Member
Aug 20, 2011
I've done a few little demos to get ideas down, but I've never actually spent more than an hour on something before.

I know the song writing is simple, but I'm not looking for suggestions on that, just looking for any tips on what I could do to make this sound better.

Guitars are typical PodFarm
Bass is programmed (for now)
Drums are a mix of samples I've bought or found
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I was expecting a lot worse. I love that synth! And the song is really bassy But still not overpowering too much imo.

A really solid and dark mix! I like it.

Only thing I would wish to hear is another guitar sound. Seems like everyone is using the same patch ( thanks ahj ;) ). It's a great tone but still i'd like to hear something more.
I do wish I could come up with something better guitar wise, but I haven't really been able to come up with something I liked that didn't sound like the typical tone people seem to use here. >_>