First new thing by me in a while!

Hey Gavin-

Nice start for a tune! I like it. And like the guitar tone. I'm really liking the tones I'm getting with Revalver/Wagner, but still trying to tweak away to get "that" sound. Care to share your settings and which impulses you used?
Good question, i can't remember cause i bounced down then mixed with audio and idn't save... but from what i remember

4 tracks of played guitar.

Cloned each one then used GH fredman impulses to give an off/on axis.

2 tracks wagner

2 tracks revalver kitty

Bussed to Gliss EQ, lampthruster and crunchessor
I don't generally keep these "short project files" folders for more than the duration that it takes me to make them! hahaha

Generally, with Revalver, the best advice i can give is play around and don't be afriad to try some wierd as hell things!

The REAL subescreamer i used on this (Thanks lasse!) helps a lot!
I always dig stuff that has low guitars going on with a repeating higher-pitched guitar playing a different melody, reminds me of Amon Amarth's Cry of the Black Birds and Queensrhyque's Speak. cool, and production is top notch.