first part of 04 top 10


Mar 20, 2003
so what were ur favorite albums of this year till now? just wonder, also always like to discover something new :hotjump:

so here's my list:

1. Into Eternity - Buried in Oblivion

--> amazin progressive death metal with great vocals and lots of emotional melodies

2. Thirdmoon - Sworn Enemy: Heaven

--> melodic death metal from Austria, check it out if u like bands like Hypocrisy

3. Vanitas - Lichtgestalten

--> gothic/death metal with german lyrics (great lyrics btw!) and lots of interesting orchestrations... female voice is very decent too, kind of unique I think

4. Killswitch Engage - The End Of Heartache

--> New Thrash, really great mixture between melody, clean vocals and pure fucking aggression, check it out if u like bands like Machine Head etc.

5. The Vision Bleak - The Deathchip has a new Captain

--> great dark metal stuff with horror music influences

6. Pain Of Salvation - 12:5

--> acoustic live album of pos, great!

7. The Gathering - Sleepy Buildings, A Semi Acoustic Evening

no need to talk about this no? greattttt

8. Hypocrisy - The Arrival

9. In Flames - Soundtrack To Your Escape

dunno, both have some great and some weak songs, couldnt decide which is better

10. Leaves Eyes - Lovelorn

--> new band of Theatre Of Tragedy singer Liv Kristine... nice gothic metal, dreamy stuff

and I'm sure I forgot something again.... :hypno:
1. Neurosis - The eye of every storm
--> more psicodelic stuff in this new neurosis album

2. Borknagar - Epic
--> progresive black metal... more epic than ever

3. Vintersorg - The focusing blur
--> same singer as in borknagar... as good as the borknagar one

4. The gathering - sleepy buildings
--> i have no words to discribe this one

5. Lunaris - Cyclic
--> more progressive black metal

6. Mar de Grises - The tatterdemalion express
--> one of the best doom albums ive ever heard

7. Void of silence - human anthitesis
--> weirdness

8. Subterranean Masquerade - Temporary Psycothic state (ep)
--> just an ep, bu t amazing... mixture between agalloch, novembers doom,..

9. Ayreon - The human equation
--> progresive rock/metal

10. Winds - The imaginary Direction of time
--> classical metal anyone?
1. Drudkh - Autumn aurora:worship:

2. Finntroll - Nattfodd (limited edition + Trollhammaren Mini-cd):worship:

3. Nehemah - Requiem Tenebrae:worship:

4. Mayhem - Chimera

5. Vintersorg - The focusing blur (not as good as Visions... but well)

And that's all, even if the new Fear Factory seems to be good too, as well as the new Evergrey.
*thinks wich albums i bought this year*

*still thinking*

*still thinking*




i have seen some good bands this year.. like Cowboys and Aliens :rock: they won the graspopconcour and now they open the fest at friday, so don't be late!!
Oceana said:
9. Ayreon - The human equation
--> progresive rock/metal
is it out already?? i thought it was for july..
i only heared the cdm with the 'space odysee - david bowie' cover, and that one was AMAZING, but i don't think that song will be on the cd..

DragonLady1 said:
4. Killswitch Engage - The End Of Heartache

--> New Thrash, really great mixture between melody, clean vocals and pure fucking aggression, check it out if u like bands like Machine Head etc.
yeah, i heared it a few times in my friends car, very ok..
Bastet said:
what time does it actually start?

for the people who can't be there, DON'T LOOK or you'll regret that you won't be there

Haha, if I remember well I've only bought one album so far this year (that was released this year I mean, I bought some oldies as well) And that's My Dying Bride's new one. No other interesting things were released in my opinion.
This early on, a top ten list is almost certainly futile. But here is mine thus far, and believe me, it will change:

1. Borknagar - Epic
2. My Dying Bride - SOD, WOL
3. Neurosis - The Eye of Every Storm
4. Agalloch - The Grey EP (The Lodge(Dismantled) is utterly brilliant!)
5. Wolf - Evil Star
6. Therion - Sirius B/Lemuria
7. Hypocrisy - The Arrival
8. Impaled Nazarene - All That You Fear
9. Cannibal Corpse - The Wretched Spawn
10. Death Angel - The Art of Dying

Btw, I cannot wait for the imminent releases by Amon Amarth, Opeth(hopefully), and Solefald. They will undoubtedly make their way towards my top ten come next January.
1. claro intelecto - neurofibro
2. breaklose - always late enough
3. dynarec - user input
4. fennesz - field recordings 1995 - 2002
5. jeff mills - exhibitionist
6. christy moore - boxset
7. maybe new pj harvey, havent heard it all yet
Having been travelling a lot this year, so I've hardly had time to hear any new releases but the only two I'm really looking forward to are the upcoming Solefald album and with rumours that there might be guitars on it, Ulver's new one will be highly anticipated.

Last year was really strong for the more experimental metal (Blut Aus Nord's opus for example) that I seem enjoy the most these days, I wonder if this year will live up to the same level.

Definitely need to check out that new Neurosis though, those guys just keep improving somehow.
MORGION - Cloaked By Ages, Crowned In earth
VOID OF SILENCE - Human Antithesis
AMARAN - Pristine in Bondage
MDB - Songs Of DArkness, Words Of Light
SECRETS OF THE MOON - Carved In Stigmata Wounds
HAGGARD - Eppur Si Muove
DISILLUSION - Back To Times Of Splendor
Man, not much good this year yet. Here's hoping the new one from Interpol helps remedy that...

"Franz Ferdinand" - Franz Ferdinand
"Tragically Hip" - In Between Evolution
"Sonic Nurse" - Sonic Youth
Yeah, my list has changed already. I cannot stop listening to this new Neurosis(The Eye of Every Storm). I was kind of turned off by it at first, but it grew on me. Now it just moves me to tears through damn near every song. Everyone, and I mean everyone must listen to this album. It will more than likely be my top pick of the year.