First Post / Need advice on this mix


New Metal Member
Jan 19, 2009
Chico, CA
Hello everyone!! I've been a member for not too long and this is my first post. I'm a recording arts student at Chico State. I've had an opportunity to work with a couple of different genres but haven't really recorded a metal band yet (which is what I love). So, I decided to record something on my own. Since the studio drums don't have a double bass pedal I had to find a song that didn't have any or didn't have much. I love AILD and I absolutely LOVE the sound of that album so I went for The Darkest Nights. I played and recorded all the instruments by myself. I am not a drummer so there are several timing problems (especially with the kick).

Here is the link. It is the only track on my page:

I used the crappy-sounding drum kit in the studios and recorded them there. The rest was recorded at my tiny apartment room. Guitars are 6505+ with a Crate cabinet (I'm saving for a good-sounding cab) and a Maxon OD808 with a 57. They were all quad-tracked. Vocals were done with an AT4040. I had to record them very quickly because of something I had to do, so I know I could have done a better job, but nevermind (I also changed the rhythm of the vocals a bit; I kept getting confused so I just changed it in some parts).

I feel something is missing or something is wrong, but I just can't seem to figure out what that is. Please let me know anything you think is wrong or that could simply be done better.

Thanks a lot for your help and I'm looking forward to reading your suggestions. Cheers!!

- Meche