First post! TSE amp sim rate my tone!


Nov 26, 2009
hey guys, this is my first post here. it's just a tiny clip of a super old song to try get a decent guitar tone using amp sims, which im generally pretty bad at. Just two guitars hardpanned using the TSE X30 sim(brilliant by the way) ryans impulses and a bit of eq.

Bass is just DI im not really sure about details, i recorded this song as a rough track at the beginning of the year and it was the only thing i had laying around with DI's in it to test, so you will HAVE to forgive the playing.

You guys seem to be pretty good with these sims so help me try get a great sound! any advice would be welcomed. don't bother critiquing the song i'm just concerned about tone. cheers. oh, and also what a great community you have here, im physched to become a part of it.

updated again
i just thought i might mention i've never really recorded/mixed/mastered anything before apart from the last couple of weeks so you can go a little easy if you like :p
The playing is great ;) It makes it sound good somehow. But in my opinion you need to lower the cymbals in volume quite a bit and increase the hihat (slightly) to give it some more groove.

The guitars sound like there is a blanket on the speakers, they need some more high mids and treble to cut through the mix.
Zappa! thanks for the feedback, haha, lets not get into the playing, the tracks were consolidated and unaligned and ugh, oh well. i've updated the mix taking what you've said into account, you were definitely right about the blanket effect, but i worry about there being too much high end in the guitars now? what do you think?
Sounds better now but the guitars are a bit too loud, try lowering them about 2 dB or so.

You should try catharsis impulses on the guitars with the TSE. Also, the TSE doesn't need much in the way of settings with the right impulses, everything at noon sounds good maybe a bit more on the "high mid" like around 6 or so. The input knob should be quite high, 3 o clock or so and adjust the gain until it sounds good, there is a line where the gain starts to sound good and it should be close to that line, too much and it will sound muddy. Use less gain than what sounds good alone if you are quadtracking.

BTW on second thought, the drums need some high mids as well because they are not cutting through the mix, make sure that the drums and the guitars are not colliding, check with a frequency analyzer where the drums are in the frequency spectrum and where the guitars are and make sure they are not colliding. For instance if you raise the guitars around 1,5 - 2kHz you should make sure the drums don't have a lot of frequencies there and raise them somewhere else for instance 3 - 5kHz, but they still have to sound good :p
Thanks again for the advice man, really helpful. When using the analyzer it's pretty obvious the drums and guitars are fighting for the same frequencies but I'm struggling to be able to fix it- but at this point it isn't a huge concern as its just a quick tone test track. I took your advice on the guitars too, fairly similar settings to what i had, i was already using catharsis impulses, both had spres-high but i changed the left guitar to awesome1 to mix things up. guitars still sound fairly similiar, do they sound okay to you?

i have a feeling they may have been made using a line in more so than DI now too that i think about it hahaha.. Thanks for helping me out Zappa!