First real Metal-Core mix. Advice needed!

Sounds a little... Empty to me. is there bass guitar on that? Also, sounds like the guitars could come up a touch and it feels like there's ALOT of fuzz in the highs I would put a high cut on them. Cool stutter effect though. :D
Yeh, they sounded a little fuzzy to me too! I've corrected it though

HAHA nah that click wasnt suppose to be there, i forgot to turn it off when i bounced. It was only a clip to show you guizzeee
Control the low end of the kick more.
Slam the bass guitar's low end to around -18 or -16 and try mixing around that.

My only real "complaint" with the mix is the lowend.

But if you want picky stuff;

Add more highend to the kick and more punch.
So in the end; turn the kick up! lmfao

Does this band pick really softly?
Control the low end of the kick more.
Slam the bass guitar's low end to around -18 or -16 and try mixing around that.

My only real "complaint" with the mix is the lowend.

But if you want picky stuff;

Add more highend to the kick and more punch.
So in the end; turn the kick up! lmfao

Does this band pick really softly?

Thanks dude, ill get on compressing the low end some more and working on the kick.

And yeh, he picks/strums/chugs pretty softly