First Real mix


Master of Vandalizme
Apr 7, 2006
Hey fellow metal heads.

I've been picking up a lot of good advises from this forum, and now I have tryed to use them for my first real mix with mic'ed Guitars.

Please give any feedback - it will be very appreciated.

Vokal/Lead still missing - but is on its way:headbang:

Here's the track:

Kick sounds like a basketball bouncing. Cymbals sound compressed to oblivion. Guitar tone isn't really full range (not smooth and even throughout its frequency range) and I can't hear the bass at all. Snare sounds ok. What kind of amp did you use for the guitars?! And most importantly, was the guy playing any good?

Ok.. Still a lot to work with. Regarding the Guitar tone - I think that the compression ruined the tone - after taking a break and listening to it again, I see that it is way to compressed. That I will work on. I don't really understand that you cant hear the bass? - Is it middle definition you are after?.

Anyway the Guitars was recorded trhough a Engl PB and a Engl 530+mesa 2:90.

I'll work on it a post a new version.
Sounds a fuck lot better than my first mix!

I dunno what the other guy is saying, i can hear the bass fine.

There sooms so be some over-compressed pumping though.

Snare sounds pretty nice though.
With the guitar, i dunno what EQing you've done but the tone itsself isn't great.

However, for a first "real" mix as you said, it's a hell of a lot better than most people's first mixes. I can speak from my own experience.
As mentioned the cymbals are kind of fucked up. Bass sounds fine to me, the guitars sound like they could use better amp settings and better mic placement. Really, other then the cymbals it's not bad at all! Just take off a lot of compression on most things. Better then my first mix as well. :)
Way to go with a first mix..! What guitar setup did you use? Maybe overall compression is too much - personally I think the bass could be compressed even harder and after that pull it back 2-3 dB.

Det lyder sgu godt Sjøstrøm - væsentligt bedre end mine mix. Og meget bedre end dine første klip for år tilbage på hehe.
Yaehhh... I agree that the bass in the last mix could go a little down. I find it hard to avoid the overall compression in order to get it up in level. Hmmmm...

switch to Danish:
Takker kromann... Rart at møde nogle danske kammersjukker her... Hvordan står det ellers til? Har du gang i noget spændende?

Ok ... Here's the setup:


Schecter 6-string + Engl PB and Schecter C7 + Engl530 + Mesa 2:90.

Both through a Mesa Rect. Cab with V30. one ADK51 straight on + a sm57 angled@45. (Clayman method)

Two takes om both guitar setups - so all in all 8 tracks. panned 100L 80L 80R 100R.

Bass is a 5 string Ibanez(Dont know the model) through the RME fireface intrument input.

Drums are 100% DFHS + 50% blended sneap snare sample.

Thats it.

switch to Danish:
Takker kromann... Rart at møde nogle danske kammersjukker her... Hvordan står det ellers til? Har du gang i noget spændende?

Cool, love that mesa sound - did you boost the guitar with a tubescreamer - or just directly in the amp - no blending with POD xt or anything?

Yes there's a few danes around here - I've seen Rekisum, Jacob H, Ziggy & Michael from Mindmare posting here. I'm building a studio in the basement of a house I just bought in Vejle. I quit my old band (Lipid) and I've gathered up with some other metal heads and we're recording som melodeath stuff. So far the sound sucks though. Still learning... it's a lifelong thing I guess.

Looking forward to hearing the vox for your stuff. :kickass:
Cool.... My little studio is also in the basement off my house - Great with the possibility to play at home.

Regarding the sound - no tubescreamer in front - Just go one after the recording was done. - Next time it will be used.

Looking forward to hear your new stuff.
