Nasty, angry hardcore - REAL DRUMS - finished mix?

Damian B

Nov 8, 2007
Hey there Sneapsters - here's a track off of my band's upcoming album.

The mix is mostly finished.... I think. Feedback would be awesome!
EDIT Revised Mix:
Another Revision:

Drums are real.
Bass is a combination of some fender combo, NoAmp, and the DI.
Guitars were recorded with a vintage Les Paul Studio... into an amp sim, unfortuantely.
Vocals were done with a good ole' SM58.
Sounds pretty hardcore! A few things I would look up into though:

The snare sound is a bit distracting, makes you notice kinda focused on only one point of the song. At least that's for me.
I would also bring the snare down a bit.

Something about the low-mids - lows make my ears really tired after listening to it only twice.

The guitars are actually pretty good, maybe just a little too quiet.

In all honesty, I'm not a fan of the vocals here. Would like them more if the mix was different.
They don't seem to sit really well in the mix as it is.

But nice work still!
yeah vocals sound a bit too raw I would say, and I don´t like the snare sound, a bit too big and round for the song/mix. Guitars are good, bass is cool, like the distorsion.

Actually toms also sound a bit too round and attack-less to my taste

Edit: I like the song a lot, do post when you have the album ready, or more songs to listen
dude, two EASY things for you to do here.... i LOVE THISSSSSSSS

pretty much, your whole mix needs more high-end... OR just pop a high quality EQ on your 2-buss and boost the highs... pultec style possible?

and THEN..........

take a compressor plug that does the vintage 1176 thing...... fastest attack, fast or med release, high ratio and aboslutely SLAM his voice....

it has a lot of emotion and the compression will just makr x10 =D
take a compressor plug that does the vintage 1176 thing...... fastest attack, fast or med release, high ratio and aboslutely SLAM his voice....

+1. 1176... medium attack, fastest release (has to be fastest to get it really breathy and in-your-face) and I would personally use all buttons and cut some lows. Maybe another 1176 in parallel: fastest attack, fastest release, all buttons, with the GR needle pinned to the left, blend that distortion to taste.

This mix needs a crispy, cutting (maybe even harsh?) top end. Boost loads with a good EQ. Obviously not ideal boosting loads of top ITB end but this mix can take it.

Great vibe overall.
sounds plain awesome :)
his voice need more work and the guys here said enuff about it

btw what sim for guitars ? sounds great :)
Thanks for the feedback guys! I've been hella busy, but I'll post an updated mix here in the next few days.
Your mix is pumping seriously hard, sounding better than the first attempt tho. Take some lows outta that kick, and maybe back off on the master comp. Also, I'd crush the vox a tad more, and add some tape saturation, plenty of freebies out there.
I like the cohesiveness of the mix but I'd say it's still pumping a bit too much. The guitars sound pretty cool but the drums need more work, IMO. I'm not sure the lows and low-mids are distributed where they belong, especially on the drums. The snare sticks out because of too much 100-300hz. The vocals sound raw but I think they fit with the mix and style nicely that way.