Sludgy hardcore?? Real drums - please listen!

Damian B

Nov 8, 2007
Hey everyone, here's a mix of one of the songs off of my band's upcoming album. This is our show opener so it's fun and short, but you will get the idea. song_test1.mp3
EDIT: song_test2.mp3
EDIT VERSION 3: song_test3.mp3
VERSION 4: song_test4.mp3

Some details:

Real drums:
Kick is a blend of a sample I made and the "Kick Drum Project" sample.
Snare is a blend of the original and samples I took. I wanted a really fat snare.
Toms are samples I took of the kit.
OHs were recorded with SM81s.

Bass: I recorded a DI and mic'd the cabinet. I used NoAmp on the DI to add some grit.

Guitars are amp sims for now, though I might be interested in getting them reamped if funds allow.

Vocals were recorded with a hand-held SM58. Our vocalist records best that way.

This isn't finished by any means, and the low end might need some work. But yeah, opinions?

Thanks :headbang:
Yeah I agree, listening back to it this morning the snare is a bit loud, and could use a bit more "thwack." Thanks for the feedback guys, anything else?
This mix sounds incredible!

The overall tone is incredibly pleasing.

i've noticed a couple of clipping or over-saturation here and there, especially when the vocals kick-in

The vocals can sound a bit aggressive at times ( There's a bit too much harmonics resonating on certain cyllables )

The high-mids of the bass guitar feels a bit shy to me.

That's all I can notice right.

This mix is born to kill!
the only bad thing is the snare, most for its super loudness.... lower the snare!
Yeah vocals can use more compression, they also stick out a bit weird in the mix, they're much brighter than the rest.
Not a fan of the snare at all tbh
+1 to moar glue
I think the snare might need a faster compression, there's something about it that's not completely right to me...

Other than that, it's a huge step up from the original!
About version 4:
Snare is too loud and need some transient processing to cut tail.

Vocals are not exactly in the mix. Try to EQ it right.

Others sound preety good))