First recording of the year


New Metal Member
Oct 31, 2010

I used to post a bit on the SS forums but ended up spending more time on here. I recorded my band's (Demoraliser) EP which came out at the end of March and thought it would be pretty cool to see what you guys thought of it.

I haven't recorded much other stuff than this & our old CD, and that was my first recording from June last year.

If you want to know anything about the recording then feel free to ask!

Thanks for reading / listening.
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Great production man! The kick is a vit too clicky for my taste but that's just me. I like kicks slappy. Basstone is great for what i can hear here at work. And guitars sit the mix really well. What did you use for the toms? Samples, processing etc. Those motherfuckers sound just like i want them.

And the musuc sounded great also!

I really don't have too much bad to say about this. Was that kick the infamous slate kick 10? Sounded similiar.
Thanks man! Everything was Superior Drummer 2.0 with The Metal Foundry Expansion apart from the snare which was a Slate sample, I don't know which one though. I think its from 1.5, I had a friend bounce the snare midi for me as I was always 'lacking' on that punch in S2.0.

I just bought Slate this week and had a play with Kick 10, really enjoying it & will no doubt use that over S2.0 kicks next time.

Guitars & Bass were PodFarm. I ran 2 bass tracks, 1st with the normal DI & some eq stuff, big cut at 500. 2nd went through the 5150 rip on PodFarm with eq and limited it to hell and back haha.
It took me a long time to get the bass to sit well.
awsome mix man! when u say 5150 on podfarm, do u mean the cali-diamond plate? bass does sound nice to.
Nah man, I ran the bass through the 'Criminial' guitar head, can't remember what cab. I used it mainly for the gritty distorted tone. The guitars we're done through 'Cali-Diamond Plate'.