First rough mix! (with growling/screaming female vocals)


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
Okay my second try. This is for my bands upcoming demo and we just finished recording vocals so here it is:

edit: uploaded the rough version of the song without mastering. as LSD allready said I just made some mastering (which is no mastering at all ;)) and fucked it up even more... so this version is way better for discussion.

Vocals still don't sit well in the mix I think. Could be a bit louder.
Before we started recording our singer I was afraid of the fact she's a girl and the growls wont have enough power but she did a great job imho. I don't even need any pitch shifting or something else to make it sound deeper. Just did double tracks for the growls. We used an sm58.

Guitar are krank rev - maxon - impulse and krank rev - maxon - palmer pdi09 with curve eq.

Bass was recorded through sansamp with two tracks, clean DI signal and sansamp signal.

drums are dfhs. we had no opportunity to record them the real way and I don't have the skills to do it and no one got the money (so we'll spend everything we have into mastering). Our drummer is very busy making it sound as close as possible to what he is actually playing. Tuning the velocities and redoing all the fills and more "random" hit's and trying to make it sound less machinated. This one is not done yet so there will be more fills and the intro won't sound that faked :)

This is not finished at all but I really want to know what you guys think.
i think it sounds good i like the guitars the drums sound a little dry i think good job on the mix too...
it sounds better, although i think the master compression kinda ducks at certain points. The vocals could still come up alittle, or become more forward. The guitars could probably stand to have some low chunk too.
it sounds better, although i think the master compression kinda ducks at certain points. The vocals could still come up alittle, or become more forward. The guitars could probably stand to have some low chunk too.

yeah, but I think he's gonna have it mastered later anyway, so I guess this is just something he's put on the 2bus that he'll probably remove before sending it out to mastering.

@EMD: have you thought about sending the sending the Guitar-DI to someone for reamping?

Oz offers that service (so do I) and does a great job, you could as well ask Guitarhack, he's doing a good job recording his Krank/Peavey as well, and reamping might actually be way less expensive than you perhaps think and you wouldn't have to deal with the speaker-simulation.
yeah, but I think he's gonna have it mastered later anyway, so I guess this is just something he's put on the 2bus that he'll probably remove before sending it out to mastering.

@EMD: have you thought about sending the sending the Guitar-DI to someone for reamping?

Oz offers that service (so do I) and does a great job, you could as well ask Guitarhack, he's doing a good job recording his Krank/Peavey as well, and reamping might actually be way less expensive than you perhaps think and you wouldn't have to deal with the speaker-simulation.

dude, I have no clean DI signal of the guitars. Thats the main problem :-D
I don't think the guitars sound totally shit. It's just some fiddeling with impulses and some eq'ing. Maybe someone could offer me some help with that?
okay... re re redone it now. And not just a bit :) (link is in the first post)

In the latest version (it's called "very rough mix" or something) I added no mastering plugs at all and changed a lot about the guitar sound. maybe the very bad idea of doing something like mastering (it's not... I know :)) one of the main reasons the guitar sound sucked.. at least I hope so. first thing I realized was it sounded much better without c4 on it. I tried around with richardsons eq'ing tips. I used the Edge Sneap impulse with sir.