Okay, FIRST TRY! Krank Rev+Impulses+DFHS


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
Okay, this is my very first upload. I'm reading in this forum for about 6 or 7 month now and this is what I managed to get out of it till now-

Signal chain for guitar was:

LTD MH-1000 - Maxon OD808 - Krank Rev - Interface


LTD MH-1000 - Maxon OD808 - Krank Rev - Tubecube - Palmer Junction - Interface.

I really disliked the sound of the palmer but I think it sounds quiet good when it's mixed. Still it's very subtile.

The mix is pumping here and there and the subdrops are too loud the way they are right now but I'll fix that.

The Bass is a shitty one (yup) right into UX2 + Ampeg Impulses.

Drum is DFHS with Sneap samples.

Hope it's not too shitty. Ah yeah and don't mention the songwriting, it seems to be kinda boring in the end but this is because there is no voice now. It's more like the last song that's going to fade out or something this is why it's repeating in the end.

Playing was not the most accurate I can do but yeah... it's okay for the moment.

Let me know what you guys think and thanks to all of you who answered all my stupid questions on here.

Very nice work Emdprodukt. The way you introduced the clip with your opening remarks I was not expecting to be impressed:puke: but even on my crap computer speakers the song holds it's own:worship:. You should be very proud, keep up the good work:headbang:. BTW, what is a Palmer Junction? I did a quick search and didn't find anything on this forum. I still mic up my guitar cabs so I'm not very savey when it comes to emulators and DI recording with impulses but it seems like an art worth mastering.
hehe, it's right next to kiel. but to be true northern germany sucks about metal. everyone plays in hardcore or punkrock bands.
Great friggin sound dude!

Settings on the Rev and 808 please?

of course! who got bigger balls ;) :headbang: ah, welcome to the krank family! I could bring my cab aswell if you like to check it!

When standing in front of the Cab, the Rev will hit you harder then the 'stein. I A/B'd Rev and Stein in a Revolution Cab and my Mesa Cab, the Rev hit much harder than the 'stein (at least how I had them dialled in) in both Cab's, particularly the Mesa Cab (more mids than the Rev Cab). This makes it a bitch to mic due to proximity effect. The stein wouldn't be nearly as difficult to mic.

Lasse, have you compared standing in front of the cab with your 6505 to standing in front with the 'stein? The Rev and 6505 seem verrry close with the 6505 being tighter/less-woofy (or maybe just less present) in the Lows and a bit more refined overall and MUCH easier to Mic. Interested in your opinion of the 'stein after having it for a few days now.
Here we go:

808 Settings:

overdrive around 8-9 o'clock
Balance at 12 o'clock
tone at 10 o'clock

Rev Settings: (not in o'clock :)...)

Presence at 2.5 (It just went through the Palmer! When I turned it too much up, the Palmer got to much in front and started to sound fizzy)
Sweep at 3.5
Bass at 6
Midrange at 4
Treble at 6
Master at 10 :headbang:
Gain at 6

The Impulse I used was GuitarHack JJ Edge 0 with Sir2.
High pass at 100 and and low pass at 12.6k. Used something near to the Sneap C4 settings but modified it to work with my guitar sound. Not much though. The palmer tracks have 6 db less.
dude it sounds great very real.(impulses+palmer)......actualy palmers sound good if eq'ed right
dude it sounds great very real.(impulses+palmer)......actualy palmers sound good if eq'ed right

I wasn't trying around too much with EQ on the palmer tracks. I wouldn't use it for live purpose at all because it just doesn't sound good on it's own.
Tell me something about the settings on your palmer and what kind of eq'ing you did, please! Sounds really not as bad as my try :) to be true it sounds really good, a bit muddy for my taste but... yeah, that's just a question about taste :)