First Song/First Post. (metalcore)


New Metal Member
Dec 16, 2011
Hey everyone, first post and first song I have ever recorded, mixed, and mastered. I am happy with it, but feel it could be a lot better. Kinda disappointed how it translates to laptop speakers and It might have too much high end. Anyway... let me hear it. (don't be too harsh)

recorded and mixed in reaper
mastered with ozone 4
drums- superior cymbals with slate samples
guitars- pod farm
bass- tse bod with a redwirez impulse
vocals- shure sm58

thanks ahead of time, and I will definitely appreciate some feedback The Man I Know MP3.mp3
I think it's the guitars that are the biggest problem. They still sound odd. What settings are you using?
If you're using Ozone, try using only the loudness maximizer for now, sounds like there's some widening stuff going on. Guitars are much too scooped, and lead is much too bright : adding some mids to both (inside pod farm) will help a lot. Try not chopping the guitar chugging too tight, it sounds a bit unnatural. Finally, you could use more compression on the vocals, should even them out a bit. Once you'll have worked out the guitars, send another mix and I'll help from there.
If you're using Ozone, try using only the loudness maximizer for now, sounds like there's some widening stuff going on. Guitars are much too scooped, and lead is much too bright.

also the vocals are actually well done, some compression would do wonders
as well as putting some meat back in those guitars
I didn't recorded the guitars direct so I can't really mess with the tone, and unfortunately I do not have access to a guitar right now. I definitely see where the tone is lacking mids though. On mix 3. I ditched ozone and used some waves plugins. eq, compressor, and a limiter and I am much happier with it. I will be posting some more mixes soon with a guitar tone but I need a break from this song for a while. Thanks for all the help guys! The newest mix is a couple posts up in case you missed it ;)