First test mix


May 16, 2007
Ok I have only just gotten into recording. This is my first proper try. It is only a clip of around 30sec.

I recorded via DI into my m-audio 2496. It has 4 tracks all using amplitude 2 (2 different sounds per channel). Has a bass guitar recorded the same way using Rbass plug in. Drums are EZdrummer.

I done some eq'ing and put some compression on each track. Then i used a preset from Ozone 3 to master it (so to speak:loco: )

Anyway I would really like some feedback on what to fix etc... As i said this is my first try at doing this. So all help welcome.

I also left it in wave so you can get a better idea. (its still only small 4 meg)
Test 1
its uh... hard to hear each individual instrument...

sound like the cymbals are too loud...

lacking a bit in lows/mids...

cant hear the bass guitar...

the guitars aren't defined...

same with the drums...

BUT! dont let that discourage you... :)

Try again... try loading one of your favorite songs into the same session and try to cut certain frequencies to make it sound like the other song... you'll get used to it more as you practice and develop your ears...
Ok, thanks for the advice.

I tried to implement some of your advice. Not sure how well though. I only have stereo speakers ATM so its a little hard doing this.

Test 2
So what do you suggest to define the guitar tracks better? Eq, different guitar sounds (i currently have the same 2 sounds, just panned left then right)
I uploaded the files to the ftp. I use cubase sx3. They are all the dry tracks.
If any one wants to have a play, and repost. That would be great. Would love to see what eq setting you guys use. Im a bit stumped.
No help...

Anyway i have redone it again and put it on my myspace. Both are new.

I think its coming along better now.
-Drums are drowned out by the bass and guitars
-Guitars could use some subtractive EQ in the low mids
-Bass needs to sit better with the rest of the mix. Make sure it has room to stand out from the guitars and kick drum
-From what I can hear of them, the drums, especially the cymbals and snare have alot of high frequency energy. That could be brought down abit.

Did you use any/ much compression on the individual mix elements?