First time at pp


New Metal Member
Jan 11, 2007
Hello Everyone,

This year it'll be my first PP festival (saturday and sunday). For several years I go to festivals like Arrow, Fields Of Rock and Lowlands. But I'd never heart of PP before. The line up comes very close to my musictaste, so I'm really excited about it! :rock:

I've a few questions:

-Is there also something else to do except bands?
-Is Kasteel De Berckt near the festival?

Any other information is welcome ......


It is a pleasure to hear that 'new' people will come to the festival. The festival is mainly concentrated on the performances of the bands. Besides that there is a small cd market and a basement where you can relax, play some pool or table soccer and listen to music. Besides that Baarlo is a very nice small village, definitely word walking around.

Kasteel de Berckt is about 20 minutes walking distance of the venue.

I suggest you read some reviews of the previous editions, that will give you an indication of the festival, I think we are 'famous' for the great atmosphere.

Wow rene, i was unsure if it was better to visit ppuk or ppeurope, but after these words.... :)

Just one question, is it held in a venue (as i guessed) or openair ? :Smokin:
perfect thanks.

Last thing, i read in another thread that rooms must be booked in advance (march) because there's not that great availability in Kasteel de Berckt

Is there another accomodation other than that one ? (not because i don't like it but if i decide to come too late.... :))

Thanks again
There are other accommodations, most of them are in Venlo and that is 10 minutes by car to baarlo. Kasteel de Berckt is close to the venue and cheap, and several other fans and some of the bands stay there as well. So we recommend Kasteel de Berckt.
Hey there!

In 2005 I stayed in Venlo and bussed to the Kasteel to meet up with friends. The bus stops running at 2300 or so, so be careful that you have a drive back to your hotel!!

Also, if you are traveling by bus be sure you know which stop to get off at - I had a full walking tour of Baarlo because I got so lost :blush:

- The Limburgh Museum is 1/2 block from the bus station in Venlo.
- The bus/train station area is covered with cafes, restaurants, galleries,etc.
- There is a giant park within walking distance of the bus/train station. It's at the The Hotel Bildeberg and I recommend the walking trails and the swan pond!
- The Kasteel has park across the street from the hotel that I didn't even get to last time :(
- Just behind the venue there is an old castle and various historic sites and park grounds to explore.
- If you search on-line, there are activities that you can book in advance like trail rides, Maas river boats, etc.

There is TONS to do in the area if you are energetic enough to attempt it after the festival ;) I'm staying at the Kasteel this time because it is the best location by far!
Well, here's from a semi-veteran: you won't have the strength to do anything else ;)

I've been to PP 01, 03, 04, 05, and 06 (I blame skipping 02 on FINLAND), and it's pretty much always been the same: get up, go watch bands (don't think that you can skip the early bands; Rene is great at hiding real jewels in the first couple of slots) (he does it because he HATES us). Between bands you have to hurry to talk to all the awesome people and maybe even drink a beer still. During the lunch break, well, you LUNCH (secret tip: there's a Chinese restaurant by the main street of Baarlo which is just insanely good and has an all you can eat buffet), and hurry back not to miss THE FIRST FORTY-FIVE MINUTES OF GREEN CARNATION BECAUSE THE STAFF AT THE *OTHER* CHINESE RESTAURANT TOOK FOREVER TO BRING YOU YOUR FOOD (still angry about that one) (guess you can tell ;P) After lunch, things get hectic. Now if you want to actually see something, you basically can't move away from your spot by the stage anymore. At least during the last two bands of a day you MUST have someone keeping your spot or else you're watching from the back of the crowd. My feet have left two size 47 indentations in front of the stage from all the years of just STAYING there. Still, you will want to move around, talk to people, get drunk, etc. You'll be busy.

The bands finish around midnight. Theoretically there should be an afterparty in the Shijwa (or however these crazy Dutch people spell that ;P), but I've found those afterparties to be quite a disappointment in recent years. In short: there are no afterparties. Within 10 minutes of the last band finishing, the bar becomes completely empty. But there IS an afterparty...

And it happens at the Kasteel. Ever since Rene started offering package deals for the Kasteel and PP, that youth hostel has become the site of legendary debauchery after the concerts (especially if your next-door neighbors are RUSSIANS) (trust me) (speaking of which, Rene, you need to give me bank information for where I should send the BRIBE to you so that you'll give us the room next to Mechanical Poet this year >:P). You will not get to bed before 4am, and that will make getting up in time for the concerts the next day hard, and getting up early enough to do something ELSE before the concerts impossible.

Any more questions? ;P
The bands finish around midnight. Theoretically there should be an afterparty in the Shijwa (or however these crazy Dutch people spell that ;P), but I've found those afterparties to be quite a disappointment in recent years. In short: there are no afterparties. Within 10 minutes of the last band finishing, the bar becomes completely empty. But there IS an afterparty...
There are no afterparties?? I guess you weren't there last time, for instance:



The after-party on the first day is quiet at Sjiwa's, but the after-party on the second day can become insane! It happened last year, we continued until 5.30 in the morning, and there were people from all over the world even the Australian boys and girls from VOYAGER joined us! But I know there is an after-party at Kasteel de Becrkt as well, so make your choice :-). The pictures above are from the after-party at Sjiwa's last year.

So let another newbie summarize... The after-party on the first night is the Kasteel and on the second night it's at Sijwa? Yee haw! :)

I fly in to Amsterdam on the 26th and out on the 2nd, so I have about 3 days of time to fill surrounding the festival. That's just barely enough time to see 2 museums and the waterfront(s) in downtown Amsterdam.

Is it wrong to be this excited and organized 8 months before the event? hehe


PS: There's a grocery store in Baarlo, isn't there? Although there are great places to eat snacks are always good to have back at the Kasteel.
Don't worry, you'll have enough time to check out Amsterdam or even more places. Since we have a small country, traveling distances are minimal. For instance, it's only a 2-hour trainride from Venlo (near Baarlo) to Amsterdam Central Station.

There is a supermarket near the venue (2-minute walk or so). So, I see no problems whatsoever ;)
Hah, last year was the first that I DIDN'T stay for the afterparty at the Sjiwa; in 2005, the place was literally EMPTY within 5 minutes. So things change, I guess ;)
The afterparty was in the BASEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and believe me it was filled within 5 minutes!!!