First time mix live-track - Black Sabbath - I (Cover)


New Metal Member
Apr 29, 2015
Hey guys,

this is the first time trying to mix a live performance of my band.
maybe give it a listen and tell me how to improve :)

many thanks!
Guitars and bass need just a little more volume, expecially guitars, then I'd bring down the hi hat a couple dbs at least then add a touch of reverb to everything, maybe some delay as well, expecially on vocals, but this is just a matter of personal taste, I think this mix is already good (except for guitars volume), so, nice job!
I've also listened to the "null point more lowend mixtest" and "raft monks - tirens - testmix" and they sound great! I really like all the dynamics of those songs, and the vocals on Tirens are very well sung and produced (anyway I'd give them a bit more stereo spread when the chorus kicks in, something in the style of Anathema, which is a huge influence in this one I guess).